Thursday, January 13, 2011

A mommy money struggle

Unfortunately money makes the world go round. If you're not making it, your not contributing, your not productive, your not happy...but that's not necessarily so. Yes its stressful to be tight on money...but more money sometimes means bigger expenses and more headaches. Unless your filthy rich, money is always going to be tight. We will always find SOMETHING BIGGER, SOMETHING MORE EXPENSIVE that we want.

I've been living this tug of war (work or no work) for a while. I probably sound like a broken record. This is more of an EXTERNAL tug of war. I feel that "JUST" being a mom is NOT OKAY. BUT what can be more important right now that making a difference in the 1 life that NEEDS me more than ANYONE or ANYTHING else in the world.

I know it's important to and necessary, especially in an expensive city like LOS ANGELES for both of us to work, BUT it's SOO tricky. How do you put a PRICE tag or a VALUE amount on the WORTH of your time away from your MOST PRIZED POSSESSION.
I really don't think

Maybe it's just me. Actually, I know it's not just me. Some working moms think that this is the EASY option but neither one is easier than the other (working mom or Stay-at-home mom). And the grass is greener on the other side rule definitely seems to apply here. Moms at home think it would be nice to have that added income, nice plus to have adult conversations, and be "productive". But most working moms that I've met (Austin friends) would switch their extra hours, bonuses, and what nots, just to spend more time with their little munchskins, to see their "FIRSTS", to simply spend more time with them. Both working and SAHMies make HUGE sacrifices. I feel that I've had the LUXURY (that a lot of women don't have) of choosin the path that gives Motherhood that special place that it deserves IN MY LIFE, for each person it's different. If only mommies could get paid to WORK with our babies, or get raises for BEING AWESOME MOMS, this whole tug-of-war would be over.

There is one thing for CERTAIN: I have the rest of my life to work...and in a couple years, NICO will be TOO BUSY to hang out with me anyway. SO I must say this....while I find a job that is financially worth me GIVING UP AMAZING TIME with NICO, I am going to enjoy every minute and not let this NEGATIVE PRESSURE CLOUD rain down on my parade. I love the chaos in my life, I love the gabbering baby heads I get to see, and especially, I love not knowing what each day will bring.

In conclusion: I know that I will be great at a 9-5 job one day...but right now I'm busy...super busy being AWESOME at this 24/7 job I was SO LUCKY to get hired for! I get paid peanuts (and slobbery kisses) but then again, at least I HAVE a job in this crazy job market-lol.

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.