So being in Miami, with babysitters willing and able to take over for me to have some weekend fun, I was really looking forward to going out....I know...weird...I didn't even believe that I was actually thinking about going out.
Well i didn't...don't get excited. Come friday morning...8:30am I was really excited Nico had slept in! But what I didn't know, was what lied in store for me!
At 8:37 while drinking his first morning bottle, he threw up ALL OVER ME, THE COUCH, HIMSELF and THE FLOOR. Where so much milk came from, I have NO IDEA. I didn't know what to think of I assumed he was still sleepy and not ready for milk yet.
I went about my business, planning out the family visits and schedule for the day: 10:00am Luz Mila, 11:30 Eneida (Peter's Abuela) 12:00pm Nike Town for an Interview (for an article), 4pmLarry and Penny Thompson Park for Lourdes Districts, 7pm Music Live, Key Biscayne with Angela.
Well I just made it to Luz Mila's house.
It was really nice to see her and see that she was doing better since her pace-maker was put in. Toward the end of our visit he got a little fussy so we took a walk around her complex. I was making his bottle when I looked back...he had thrown up all over himself and his new umbrella stroller!!! Immediately Luz Mila helped me clean him up and the stroller. That was vomit #2 of the day. Needless to say, I cancelled my next visit and went home. Eneida came over to help out which was really nice...she brought us croquetas and pasteles de guayaba from La Carreta which were a welcomed snack in a not so smooth going day.
At 8:37 while drinking his first morning bottle, he threw up ALL OVER ME, THE COUCH, HIMSELF and THE FLOOR. Where so much milk came from, I have NO IDEA. I didn't know what to think of I assumed he was still sleepy and not ready for milk yet.
I went about my business, planning out the family visits and schedule for the day: 10:00am Luz Mila, 11:30 Eneida (Peter's Abuela) 12:00pm Nike Town for an Interview (for an article), 4pmLarry and Penny Thompson Park for Lourdes Districts, 7pm Music Live, Key Biscayne with Angela.
Well I just made it to Luz Mila's house.
4pm rolled around and Nico had vomited 3 times and now had diarrhea, so I decided I needed to take him to the doctor. We drove to one hospital, South Miami, that suggested we go to another one, Baptist...finally checked in at 5:30pm but weren't let in to the room until 7:30pm and didn't see a doctor until 8:30pm...By then Nico seemed to be all better...of The doc said to keep him on clear liquids for a couple days until the virus got out of his system. Then slowing introduce foods like applesauce and rice cereal to see how he reacts to them.
At around 9 or 9:30 we were released from the hospital...and Nico CRIED the whole way home!
Actually these pictures are a little dramatic, he was the most adorable, happy patient most of the time, when he wasn't crying or sleeping! The doc even commented on how smart he was =) little pumpkin head was showing off his skills--putting the top onto the pedialite bottle, very focused.
His little room slowly filled up: My mom went with us, my dad got there while we were in the waiting room, Manuela and Juan got there a little after we were put in room 4, and Peter's parents arrived right after we saw the nurse. It was a FULL HOUSE!
Saturday I got up...went on a 10 mile run and then went to pamper myself...though my phone rang every 10 minutes asking how much longer I was going to be. I wanted to fix myself a little before returning to see my baby daddy, hahaha. I wasn't even going to do my nails but I said, what the heck i'm already here and I needed to wait for my highlights to do their thing I might as well. AND I'M GLAD I DID!! I loved the way my hair and nails came out, even if they didn't last long enough for me to leave the salon without messing them up!! I feel so gurlie...haha.
The minute the lady was done washing my hair I rushed home to pick up my mom and Nico, who was feeling a little better and had napped for most of the time I was gone (which was a really good thing). We went straight to the NEW branch of First National Bank of South Miami that Peter's mom is opening in the Falls for a BBQ/celebration (my dad was the interior designer). There were hotdogs, snacks galore, and lots of people waiting to see Nico. Nico got to hang out with his little cousins in vivi's new car.
About 1 hour after getting there I started feeling a little sick. Little did I know, it would only get worse. When we got home (around 6), I went straight to bed. Only to find myself waking up and running straight to the bathroom...lets just say I was following in Nico's footsteps...ALL NIGHT LONG. So much for going out with Manuela, Juan, and some other people to celebrate her birthday (which is next weekend). My whole family was up to either help clean up my vomit or feed/put Nico back to sleep (who got up 4 times last night)...quite a sleepless night in this home. Thank YOU Manuela, Daddy, and Mommy for all your help!
This morning I didn't have anything left in my system. Actually I still don't. All day, I only drank pedialite, saltine crackers, and applesauce. Finally now i'm starting to feel a little better. Today we were supposed to go to Nova to visit Manuela's school and apartment, but we didn't...due to the mother/son virus. In the early evening, we disassembled my bike, loaded it into the car and got it shipped out to Austin, along with some other goodies that the Flores Abuelos put in for our LA apartment!!! I'm so excited to have my bike out in Austin!
It definitely was a crazy weekend...but the throwing up wasn't due to extreme partying unfortunately hahaha. It can only get better from HERE! However, I must say that my "did" nails and hair made me rather happy, even at 4 am when I was bent over the bathroom sink.
Hope everyone has a great week!
Happy Birthday week Manuela!!!!
Ugh! We had that last weekend (after library storytime). I'm sorry if we gave it to you! It was AWFUL!!!! Brad got it, our nanny got it, etc. Yuk. It should be over now. Eat and sleep, poor thing!
ReplyDeleteohhh stephanie...that sucks that all of you had to go through it!!! I'm good now...Nico is still struggling a little but doing better.