The day dreaded(lol) day finally arrived. The day that I had selected to motivate myself to get back in shape after Nico's arrival.Training for this race was everything but consistent.Some days the motivation to get out and run was lacking but knowing that race day wasn't getting any further usually helped me strap Nico into the stroller and get out there for a run or get out of bed when I just wanted to sleep in to catch a long run with some runner friends.
Race Results:
Ashish ran 1:12:54...which won him 13th place in his age-group, 14th overall.
I ran 1:32:28...which was 5th place in my age-group, 37 female finisher, 236th place overall. January 09 I ran the Miami ING 1/2 Marathon in 1:30:32---Before NICO!
Liz ran 1:33:55...which got her 12th place in her age-group, 42 female finisher, 276th place overall.
Peter ran 1:36. He ran 12 minutes faster than he did LAST YEAR at this same race!! A 1/2 Marathon PR!!! 35th in his age-group, 360th overall.
I've never used these plastic cloaks before...but they were SUPER WARM!!!!
1/2 Marathoners Our Cheering/babysitting crew!
After the race we slowly walked to the car, and then drove home...we did stop at an awesome restaurant for some scrumptious, mouth watering, well-earned burgers!!

I am really happy with how I ran today. Mainly because I did something I set out to do. As a new mom, finishing tasks is an accomplishment in itself most days. I often start things and finish them either during one of Nico's naps, or in the evening, or even a week TODAY I didn't take a break, I finished ONE task from beginning to end!!!!
As a runner I was happy because it was one of those few days that everything lined up: good weather, my legs , in-race motivation, no crippling cramps, and no mental blocks....all which have a huge impact on your performance.
Obviously this isn't the end, but the beginning of a new stage of running. I'm excited and looking forward to the next challenge, my next race, my next goal time.
However, I would be lieing if I said that A: I did it alone, and B: that it was easy. So many people who helped me get back here.
First off Peter, who understands how important running is to me and in the midst of all the chaos, encourages me to keep running, helps take care of Nico so that I can run early in the mornings, and challenges me to keep working hard.
Nico-who is my NEW inspiration and who has learned to love the stroller...and take LONG naps in it so that mommy can run.
Ashish- who has never stopped believing in me, always asking about my runs, how I'm feeling, what my next goal time is.
AnneMarie, Kelly, Sarah, Liz- the girls who I ran with on all my longer runs with. They are a FAST, SELF-MOTIVATED, INCREDIBLE group of girls that I've been lucky to become friends with here. They motivated me just by making me accountable...setting meeting times, sending reminders, waiting for me when I was late, and encouraging me not to give up during runs. (And today: AnneMarie, Sarah, and Gerardo watched Nico while Peter and I went on our running date)
Laurel- who started running with Miles(Nico's friend) in the stroller and who's been an inspiring baby momma running friend, even now that she's living in Malaysia.
Julia- another baby momma friend who called me to sign up with her...who made me officially commit to racing this half marathon!
Thank You ALL!
Thank you so much for the shout out, Valeria! You are an inspiration to us - with a super inspiring time! :) Our little boys are growing up, Miles loves the stroller now too and always naps in there during my weekday morning runs! I remember when it was the worst place I could put him - screaming for 6 of 7 miles! Good to 'hear' from you. I'm glad we have these blogs to keep up while we move all over the place. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks to Nico for re-organizing our DVD collection! I have been meaning to do that for a while.