Saturday, February 20, 2010

My first RUN!

I've attempted about couple minutes here and there in the past couple weeks but yesterday was my first REAL attempt at running...well...jogging.

Yesterday morning, after yoga, Peter invited me and Nico to walk. Shortly after we started, I got this really strong urge to RUN and so I told Peter and he to the tree (which was 20 feet in front of us). I ran to it stopped and wondered what would happen if I ran a little more. My 6 week postpartum visit is Tuesday....what's a couple days head start???)

There was nothing graceful about my run, or shall I say brisk walk with a hop in my step...A run that for years I made look easy and effortless for miles now was the total opposite. My tight chest and my panting breath reminded me of days when I'd run 400 workouts at 5 minute mile pace, with the exception that this feeling was now coming over me after just a few steps. My arms were heavy and my steps were slamming into the loud that runners could hear me coming for a mile behind them (if i were attempting to pass anyone). Needless to say, i was not very discrete in concealing my exhaustion. I would stop for breaks periodically and WALK! More I think I stopped because I knew that I shouldn't overexert myself, however I can't deny that a part of me want to PUSH through and keep going. But back to the statement I made, Yes i just admitted to walking. If you know me, you know how difficult it is for me to accept the fact that i needed to walk during a run and secondly, confess it PUBLICLY. With sweat trickling down from every pore of my body, as well as Peter and Nico there supporting and encouraging me, I felt my old runner self slowly awakening. I'm not sure if it was the endorphins or just plain happiness, but I was all smiles for those 3 miles (of which i might have run half).

This road to recovery is going to be a bumpy and slow path, but I am excited to finally be back in my running that have been guiding my stride since I have recollection of memories as a child. It's been the driving force that has lead me to where I am today... with my sanity intact (or so i believe, you can be the judge of that).

This morning I woke up earlier than Nico, like a child on Christmas. I looked to the front door and saw my running shoes there waiting for me, ready for our adventure to begin.
We'll see how far they take me today.


  1. "Si no crees en ti mismo, nadie lo hara por ti"... en todas las grandes proesas, siempre hubo un "comienzo"... no siempre es facil, pero el intentar siempre cuenta. VAMOS VALE! Saludosss


Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.