Friday, September 4, 2009

My Tummy...

So for those of you who have been wondering if my stomach is showing, I took some pictures this morning before we went to workout at the gym.
(this by the way is my favorite running outfit, it's the one I used for the Miami ING Half marathon January of this year.)

Peter ran on the treadmill and I glided, whatever it is that you do when you are on the elliptical. It was a great morning. Peter was sweating like a race horse, and I was just sliding along...hehe. The doctor said that it's okay to run but I'd rather not since my stomach bounces up and down a lot.

Don't worry---just because i'm saying that I'd rather NOT run, I'm not SICK I promise.
I just feel that for right now, it's okay not to run. I'm giving my knees a well deserved break.

This is Peter and me after our workout this morning!

Hope you guys all have a great day =)

Versión en español:

Me tome unas fotos esta mañana antes de ir al gimnasio para que pudieran ver como va mi barriguita creciendo. Peter corrió en la trotadora y yo use el elíptico. Aunque el doctor dijo que podía seguir corriendo, me da cosa cuando me siento la barriga saltando tanto. Creo que me puedo tomar un descanso de correr. Mis rodillas se lo merecen después de todo el millaje que les he metido. Sigo haciendo ejercicio para asegurarme que la salud mía y la del bebe sigan bien.

Bueno los quiero mucho, espero que tengan un buen día!

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.