I've been in Austin now for a couple days. As I drive around with Peter, it feels like just yesterday I was here visiting him. It's hard to believe that I'm LIVING here now.
I've been busy looking for apartments while Peter's at work and trying to organize my life a little. I have also been job-hunting...which has turned out to be a little more difficult than I thought or hoped it would be. I haven't looked EVERYWHERE but I have looked into working in place in the area of where we plan on living. I do want to make money to CONTRIBUTE to my FAMILY =), but can't seem to find exactly what I can do. I posted some things on Craig's list and I've gotten some emails for tutoring, but that's as far as that has gone.
In the applications they always ask, "why do you want to work here?". Truth is, I have NO ANSWER. I DON'T want to work there because I have more important things to do with my time right now.. I don't want to keep applying to pointless jobs that in the end will lead me no where for a few more dollars.
As I drove by Barnes & Nobles, I thought it would be a great (inspirational) environment to work in. Though it would be another job that would lead no where in the end, I thought, it wouldn't hurt to see if they are hiring. Deciding to stop at Barnes&Nobles was just what I needed! In front of the Customer Service desk (where I picked up an application) there was a table with a little sign "Writers' Resources". Some of the titles of the books on that table were: The Power to Write by Caroline Joy Adams, How to Write What You Want & Sell it by Skip Press, and Write it Down, Make it Happen-Knowing What You Want & Getting it by Henriette Anne Klauser.
I forgot everything I had to do and found myself skimming through all 3 books at the same time. My eyes couldn't even keep up. I realized that don't want a pointless job, I want to write.
The Intro to The Power of Writing read: "What if, starting right now, you could take those glimmers of ideas that are swirling around in your mind & begin transforming them into powerfully told, intriguing stories, based on compiling real-life experiences...? If that is what you're secretly (or perhaps not so secretly) wishing you could easily do, you are definitely at the right place." As I read these words, I felt as though she was really talking to me, which I'm sure was her purpose, and her plan worked!
I have always loved writing, though most of what I've written is scattered throughout textbook margins, school notebooks, and millions of journals. Now, I want to write this book, not only for me, but for my son. I want to write about how life prepared me to answer the most important, unexpected, difficult, and life-changing call, the call to be his mom.
I owe it to myself to fully commit to this process and "make it happen", like Klauser wrote about in her book. I have always set goals for myself and accomplished them...I have even accomplished things I never thought I would do.
I am aware that when I finish, this book might never end up on a bookshelf of Barnes&Nobles or even of a tiny Book store, but it will be on MY BOOKSHELF! I can only dream right now of the day when I walk into Barnes& Nobles and see it on a table or walk by a book store at the airport and see it through the window.
Enough dreaming.This is my time to write...
First Impressions of Leuven
6 years ago
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