Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Running...just like riding a bike

 Soooo, since moving back to Miami, I've been a little more inspired/pressured to step up my running game--plus I have 2 live in babysitter roomates (abuelos)--only for a couple more weeks though :/. Every week on almost every run, there is someone that I bump into that I used to know from high school or college.  Granted, I am going to SOCIAL Nike Run Clubs all around I shouldn't be surprised to find familiar faces.

They all ask about my running and just assume that I still run a million miles like I used I'm trying to not shatter that image that was so clearly imprinted in their heads years ago.
I've done a couple races too.  I did the Merrill Down and Dirty 10k and loved it, however I didn't really know where I stood in the 5k...since i'd been racing 1/2 marathons, 10ks, and 1 marathon in the last 2 years. I took the Weston memorial race as a time trial to see where I was in the 5k. I ran 20:58...though effort-wise I felt like I was going to go around a minute to a minute and 1/2 faster.....oh my How it fools with me.
Then the following weekend I ran the Twilight 5k in South Miami--20:27:already shaving a couple seconds off my time=). The best part about that race was that I bumped into a former runner friend who actually ran an 18:55....AND is the momma of a 6 month old! Double wammi---now I really dont have any excuse to be running the times i'm running. We talked a little and she told me about a group that she is training with...
Guess where I was the very next day?...At their practice. It has only been a week that i've been training with them and I already feel like i'm in "running mode". This week the track workout was ridiculously hard. I couldn't believe the pain I was voluntarily putting myself through...
for no real reason other than pride.

I'm not going to lie, around the 2nd 1000, I highly thought about calling it quits, but that's not in me. Never been a quitter and never gonna be. Maybe its something that can be taught or learned over time, but I really think it's something you have to be born with.

2012 Mack Cycle Key Biscayne International Triathlon Trilogy

According to the theory of Muscle memory, once you learn the rhythm and timing for muscle flex that is required to pedal, your brain stores this in procedural, long-term memory, and you don't have to actively rediscover the process each time you begin biking. So, the expression,refers to things that, once learned, one seldom unlearns, regardless of how much time has passed since last using that skill. 

I haven't done a tri since 2008...and I'm really hoping that the expression "it's just like riding a bike" rings true come Sunday morning.

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.