With kiddos, some days are VERY LONG and nights even longer when they are sick. This day in particular started at 2am. With Nico throwing up a highlighter yellow (bile) liquid all over me and the bed. I quickly put him in the shower only to find out right after his shower that his temp was 104.2.
Of course with his history of seizures(2- one being febrile) I got a little nervous. He had had a temperature for a day and 1/2 already but definitely not that HIGH.
I tried to wait off a little---at least til morning to take him into the DOC, but after he threw up 2 more times, and didn't keep the tylenol in...I cut my losses and made a a v-line for the ER (still on CALI insurance so no regular doc here yet).
Well we decided to get our paint on =) Not sure what we made, but we CREATED. That's how we roll!
When we got there they had to give him a tylenol suppository so that he wouldn't throw it up. I didn't even know those existed. They tested Nico's blood, took a snot sample and throat culture. Poor kid was a trooper. He was so cooperative! Then we went for the chest x-ray. He sat on the little table by himself and lifted his arms when I said 'Touchdown' and even said CHEEESSEEE....since I told him that they guy behind the glass was taking a picture of his lungs. Tests all came back negative but x-ray showed Pneumonia. A couple weeks ago he had Bronchitis....but doc didn't think they were related--except for the common denominator, DAYCARE!
When he woke up from his extremely early nap (10am), we decided to forget that Nico was sick and do something fun! We got nice and colorful and did some
finger body painting! I think it really helped him feel better =)....Art therapy: it works every time.
Such an artist! I wish I had video, but there is only so much you can do with a toddler with pneumonia, with his both hands full of paint, and one of mine with paint, and and iphone taking pictures....give a mom some credit for documenting =)
It was quite a Tuesday! But now I have a beautiful painting to remind me that when life gives you lemons, DO ART with the love of your life, and "everything will be okay".