Wednesday, May 23, 2012

STA Endangered Species Day

On Thursday May 17th, I was able to get the school on board to celebrate it's First Endangered Species Day. 
It was a little more work than I (and these boys) had initially thought it would be, but then again, i'm a poor judge when it comes to those things. It ended up turning out GREAT!!! Fortunately I had Joel, Steve, and Mike who calm, cool, and collectively MADE IT HAPPEN...and made it the BIG DEAL that I wanted it to be...Thanks/Gracias.
I was excited that the students were going to have the unique opportunity to come face to face with a West African Crowned Crane, Orinoco Goose, the extremely rare red-breasted goose, and a Nene Goose-- a couple of the endangered species that call STA their home. 
West-African Crowned Crane
We gave students some endangered species activity books, and talked about ways in which they can make BETTER DECISIONS about the way they use their resources. The students' favorite part, however, was getting to interact with the animals in the Petting Zoo as well as with their friend "Loco", the iguana.  

We also gave Animal Facility Tours to a few of the parents that read the memo! They were in for a surprise, especially because they received a beautiful brochure of the STA grounds with a small list of animals of interest found in each of the different areas....which i'm very proud of =)! Most of the parents had never seen those parts of the school before!

 Here are some pictures of the STA grounds, and a minimal snapshot of their beautiful animals....
Have I not been working in a slice of paradise??

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.