Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter weekend was great for Nico. He got lots of easter egg hunting practice for the BIG 


With ABU! Juan's abuelita

WIth Tia and Tio

Pulling Juan on the blanket like we used to do at Moo Moo Musica in California =) 

With Peter's Abuela-Eneida and Abuelo Pete

Abuelo's art on EGGS =)

Storytime with Tio before bedtime
 EASTER DAY we went to Mass at STA, my elementrary/Middle School, and Nico and I's new parish =). It was so nice to be able to share in the Easter Celebrating--seeing my parents completely head over heels with Nico and  Juan and Manuela head over heels with each other, and Manuela head over heals with Nico. Easter is always a celebration when the church welcomes you back if you've been away. Although it's sad to admit--generally we tend to turn to GOD when we need help or can't handle things. This Easter I prayed, as I always have....."Thank you God for my family".

 After Mass we went home and played in the back yard for a little to see if we could get Nico to take an early nap, but that laid plans of mice and men I tell ya...

 Tia Debbie came by to visit too!!! And brought Nico a CAR!
We got to skype with Nico's Cousin TOMAS in Colombia!!!
 After Nico's nap, we went to take Nico to Visit Peter's Family at their Easter Celebration....and his COUSINS WERE ALL THERE!!!!

 Christina, Jules, Aiden, and Nico had a great time Easter Egg Hunting! They got these beautiful baskets that Tia Yesi made for each of them! It was great seeing them play, egg hunt, and STUFF their faces with Candy!!!

The practicing paid off!!! Proud Momma!!

Jules was asking Nico for all the Candy that Momma (I) was not letting him eat....the girl LOVES CANDY!
Nico shared all his candy....except the jelly beans.....HE LOVES JELLY BEANS!!
The past 3 Easters have been celebrated here at Peter's aunts house. It's so incredible to see how much my buggarhead has grown and see all GYNORMOUS changes that each year brings.

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Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.