--A little late..sorry--
The Drive there was really long...NO LIE--9 hours to be exact.
Saturday morning we went for a little 30min run and then got ready for our WINE TASTING TRIP! Although we thought we weren't going to get a spot at a vineyard, we DID! At Robert Mondavi Vineyard.
We had a great time.
We walked around learning about different things and then we finally got to go some wine tasting!!!
It was delish!!!But the samples were too small.
Here are some pictures of us warming up through Vineyards!

Peter and I took our first TRIP away together WITHOUT NICO since---Our engament trip to Puerto Rico, 2 years ago. A couple months ago, my friend Kelly told me she was running the Napa to Sonoma 1/2 Marathon.....I immediately said: YES, We're going, without thinking about the cost or other DETAILS..details...details! As the day neared, and we started making plans, we realized that it might be a good opportunity for Peter and I to take a BIG PEOPLE trip...since Nico probably wouldn't enjoy the wine tasting tours anyway. My mom had been in town for a couple weeks and so, was the PERFECT babysitting candidate for the task.
Saying Bye to my baby was THE HARDEST thing to do that Friday morning of his year and a half birthday. I cried for a good 30minutes and then the tears started drying a little as Dane Cook helped keep me entertained and focused on the road while driving (while Peter "worked"). We skyped with Nico and Abuela twice before we made it to SAN FRANCISCO Airport
...where we picked up an AWESOME PACKAGE: Kelly and Josh Allegro! After we picked them up we went to the Fisherman's Wharf
for some bread bowl Clam Chowder---YUMMMYYYYY!
We hung out around the Wharf watching some "focas" sun-bathe
and guesstimating how far Alcatraz was. We drove out over the GOLDEN GATE BRIDGE
and took a little de-tour around some HAPPY COWS, HORSES, and VINEYARDS. On the drive we got to catch-up on life!
From 1107 Napa to Sonoma, 1st trip alone |
From 1107 Napa to Sonoma, 1st trip alone |
From 1107 Napa to Sonoma, 1st trip alone |
From 1107 Napa to Sonoma, 1st trip alone |
From 1107 Napa to Sonoma, 1st trip alone |
Our Hotel:
We SKYPED with Nico again...my babyhead was eating dinner--SO CUTE. This time I only shed
a couple years...improving!
Wine Tasting...Touring:
From 1107 Napa to Sonoma, 1st trip alone |
From 1107 Napa to Sonoma, 1st trip alone |
From 1107 Napa to Sonoma, 1st trip alone |
From 1107 Napa to Sonoma, 1st trip alone |
We then got lunch at this little grocery store and ate it on some cute picnic tables just outside...next to a pasture of vineyards
The Race:
We were up before the sun and headed over to the start of the Race, at a Vineyard in NAPA. Josh dropped us off and headed over to the 8 mile cheering section.Here are some pictures of us warming up through Vineyards!
It was a small race....supposedly!
We found Kelly at the start of the race!
Peter and I ran our first RACE TOGETHER: 1:39:04. Peter could have run a lot faster but he waited for me. I was really struggling. It was definitely the hardest 1/2 Marathon I've run in a long time...and most painful...but it was really pretty! 

where we walked around the Pier and had dinner at a very interesting Sushi place with JAZZ music, lol...
and waitress with TERRIBLE MEMORY.
The post race massage was AWESOME!
After the race we hung out with Kelly and Josh and THEIR HUGE TEAM (Team Challenge---who raised 1.7 million dollars for The Crohns and Colitis Foundation). We waddled around, ate some free food, and then started our TREK back home!
The Drive Back:
We stopped in Berkeley, since Peter had always wanted to check it out. It was beautiful...very granola....BUT WE LOVED IT! We stopped at a grocery store---NO PLASTIC BAGS. Everyone brought their own bags, and BIKED!
We got back on the road and drove through MISSON San Miguel el Archangel to walk around, stretch out, and get some good fortune from the man upstairs.
Then I drove a portion until we arrived in PISMO BEACH,
From 1107 Napa to Sonoma, 1st trip alone |
From 1107 Napa to Sonoma, 1st trip alone |
We were considering camping for the night in the area but since we would be heading out early to beat the LA morning traffic, we decided to SUCK IT UP and KICK IT IN! We got home at 11:45pm
Our pumpkin head was sleeping soundly and we crashed for the night.
We were gone 3 days, drove a total of 22 hours, took our first trip in 2 years without Nico, Went on our first "Married Friends Trip", Ran another 1/2 marathon, realized that cheap wine is as good if NOT BETTER than expensive wine, and I was reminded of how funny Peter is. It was definitely a couple's retreat where the main source of therapy was LAUGHTER!
Only bad thing was that Nico was a little Upset when we got back....
He didn't give me a hug or a kiss until Monday NIGHT!!!
Click this link if you don't see the slideshow below:
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