Happy 16 months Pumpkinhead!
(sorry it took so long to post this one!)
Motor Skills- We have added more signs to hig vocab list!! He signs for LECHE, MAS, DIAPER, CHANGE, LAVA (for washing his hands), and NOW.....POOP!!
Language skills- He keeps saying CAR, and BALL all the time....but we think he is also saying COOKIE now....I think it's because of a toy that repeats--COOKIE JAR.
Teeth- He got two more teeth....which means he is only missing 2 teeth to have a FULL MOUTH of teeth!
Sleeping habits: He has been doing much better since we started keeping track of his nap schedule. He consistently takes one nap before noon. Some days he takes an afternoon nap. When he doesn't, we put him to bed a little earlier. At night, he's been getting up once (if that). HOWEVER....we have been bringing him to our bed early in the morning when he wakes up around 5ish....and he'll sleep with us for a little. I know we shouldn't but I LOVE that little cat nap that the three of us can take together!!!!
Eating habits: Some foods are hit or miss with Nico but he is all about eating on his OWN! And he has started using a SPORK...half spoon half fork contraption...lol, and he loves it.
Other updates:
Nico has started giving BESITOS! I LOVE IT!!!!!! Here is Nico giving Lorena a BESITO.
On another note, Nico and Daddy have become quite the inseperable DUO!
They workout together: (Legs up)

They play PIC-A-BOO and take siestas together.
On sunday, Nico's 16 month birthday, we went to an open house at JPL---One of Peter's clients to check out their cool space toys:
We went with the Neighbors: Alexander and Madeline. Here is us in MARS!
I love you to infinity and beyond...for real. As we toured JPL, a recurring theme we kept hearing was how infinite the universe was...how little we have explored it. It made me realize that, that's how I feel about my love for you Nicolon! You havn't even seen a glimpse of how much I LOVE YOU! HAPPY 16 months!!!!
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