Good Morning FROM LOS ANGELES!!!!!
Yesterday I felt like a busy beee all day. Luckily I had a great lunch at Sushi Maki because dinner was BLAAAA. My sister and dad took us to the Fort Lauderdale Airport--we said our good byes and I confidently walked through security with Nico in the car seat on the stroller, my bookbag diaper bag and a rolly carry-on....thinking that I was a big girl-FLYING with all this stuff and Nico wasn't going to be that hard. It is our like 15th flight---I WAS WRONG.
I got through security with a little help from the guy behind me in line who helped me push my stuff through...since I had no hands.
Then I got to my gate. Instead of going in first, I waited a little so as to shorten the amount of time that Nico was in the aircraft. I decided to put his PJs on (elmo ones that vivi gave him). I changed him right there at the gate on a seat next to me, while charging my phone on the column next to the stroller. I finished and was quite proud that I did it myself...but then a little old lady tapped me on the shoulder and said...I can't believe you left that diaper on the chair right there. I swear I wasn't going to...I really would have checked my surrounding before leaving...but I was embarrased that she thought I would leave it there...what kind of person, mom, did she think I was!!!
So I gathered my stuff...and headed into the flight. Once I left the stroller at the gate entance...things got a little complicated. Getting through the plane aisle with Nico in the carseat in one hand infront of me and pulling the rolly bag behind me was much more difficult that anticipated. Fortunately at about row 18 a man stood up from his seat and asked if he could help me with my bag...till then people were just staring at me.
I was sitting in row 23...surrounded by jerks. I'm not throughing myself a Pitty party...for real, they were mean. When the flight crew said to leave comments on how to improve their service and the guy across the aisle said--yea...no babies! I was shocked but that was just the beginning. People all around (headed by this captain jerk) started talking about how there should be a baby section, how flights should show where children are seated just like child predators are shown on websites...so that they know where we are sitting.
That was the last straw...I had to say something. I told them.... You guys do realize I'M right here and what your saying in really rude. FLiying with a child is not easy...and people like you make it worse--a tear even came out.
The lady right next to me said...I bet it is hard...and your so young...and alone. Everyone else kinda mummbled under their breath but fortunately that was the end of it.
I wondered how much of an AS*HO*E you need to be to think that saying stuff like that is OKAY. I focused on getting Nico fed and comfortable and tried to put what happend aside.
Unfortunately, Nico started feeling worse. His cough escalated to a really weird sounding bark. He fought really hard to go to sleep but finally did. He was GREAT most of the flight.
I can't say the same for the 11 month old a couple rows ahead who had a really hard time....crying and coughing the whole flight. I felt really bad for those parents (whom I became friends with at the end of the flight by baggage claim). Andrea--the mom, told me that LA is really big...which means that there are A LOT MORE JERKS like the people on the flight...but there are A lot of NICE people too! She then welcomed me to LA with a big hug!
Nico slept through the exit off the flight out until we met up with Peter. I was so excited, relieved, and happy to see him! He of course looked and smelled great!
We got our stuff and headed to our hotel....However that wasn't the end of the night.
Nico's barking cough was getting worse. After debating whether we should do something about it or not...we ended up going to visit UCLA Santa Monica Hospital at 1am...mainly because I was really worried about his breathing--or inabilty to breathe.
The staff was really nice and we were in and out relatively fast I think. Nico was diagnosed with Croup: is characterized by a "barking" cough, stridor, hoarseness, and difficult breathing which usually worsens at night.[1] The "barking" cough is often described as resembling the call of a seal or sea lion.[2] The stridor is worsened by agitation or crying, and if it can be heard at rest, it may indicate critical narrowing of the airways. As croup worsens, stridor may decrease considerably.[1 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Croup)
He was given a steroid and we were indicated to use a humidifier (which arrives today in the shipment) and tylenol as needed.
At around 2:30ish we went to bed...
What a first Night in LA!
This morning Nico woke up at 6:30am---9:30am Miami time! He's already adjusted and DOING A LOT BETTER. My little pumpkin head is a CHAMP!
We are heading out in a couple minutes to walk around our BEACH!!! and then check out our NEW PLACE!!!!!!
We miss our Austin, Miami, and international friends and family already! MUAHHHHH
I'm so sorry Valeria. How horrible of those people. I would have definitely cried too. Glad to hear Nico is feeling better. I freaked out when Archer had the croup earlier. No one wants to hear their baby making those noises! I pray living in LA gets immensely better from this first night.