Nico turned 8 months old TODAY!!!
- Eating habits: He is eating at 9am, 1pm, and 5pm, about 4oz of food which includes gerber beef, chicken, turkey (no ham yet), veggies, and fruits. The bulk of his diet is still milk (Formula)...i'm still breastfeeding some, but mainly now for comfort. He's chewing on little gerber biscuits and puffs. It's really cute how long it takes him to eat a tiny puff. TEETH!!! He has 4 teeth out and 2 more trying desperately to interrupt Nico's and Our SLEEP! The first 2 that came out were the middle bottom( 6 1/2 months) Then came the 2nd tooth(right) from the middle, then the 2nd (left) tooth from the middle....and now the right middle tooth's little ridges are making their way out and I can see the white outline of the left middle tooth! He's SLOBBERING ALL OVER THE PLACE.
- Motor Skills: He's crawling ALOT, kneeling, standing with help. He has (_im not sure the name___), meaning that he looks behind the chair when I hide behind it because he knows that i'm there, even though he can't see me. He holds his bottle by himself! And he is playing!!! Throwing the ball, going to get it, laughing when Peter bounces it...I forgot how much fun playing with a ball could be. He can crawl over things, like Peter's leg or his toys. He palms things...he hits the table with his hand or Peter's chest if Peter is playing with him on the floor. He thinks it's funny the loud hollow sound that Peter's chest makes when he pounds/slaps it...Peter-not so much...hahaha. OHHH how could I forget. He is pinching and BITING!!!! BOTH HURT. He pinches with his tiny little fingers and tiny little nails and it hurts BAD...The biting, I hope it's the teething and not the early signes of a hated PRESCHOOL BITER!
- Emotional changes: The clingginess continues! I haven't seen any ANGER lately, which I hope is a sign of great parenting...lol. He continues to recognize more people (i think).
- Sleeping habits: I don't want to jinx ourselves but he has been doing really well. Since we got on the schedule almost a month ago, he's been doing really great...Napping 2x during the day and sleeping through the night. We've had maybe 2 or 3 bad nights due to (i think) TEETH! But it's been smooth sailing...SO PROUD!!
- Speech: No words yet or sign language-though I try signing to him whenever I remember to and ALWAYS when we are eating...Comida...mas. We continue hearing dadadada, jajaja, yayaya, but still no MAMA sounds , funny right.
- Other: He's putting everything he finds in his mouth! He gave me a HUGE SCARE the other day. He was playing with a cereal box and ripped off a piece of cardboard that tore off when we opened the box. He started making some weird noises and my reaction was to start hitting his back. It felt like hours later but really it was only seconds, he threw up...out came the little piece and his lunch with milk...all over me, the carpet, and the couch. But I didn't care. I was just happy nothing happend. This really scared me. I was shaking, with tears rolling down my face, voice shivering...all i could do was hold him and be thankful that nothing happend....he on the other hand thought it was funny. Thing is...THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING! I know that from now on, SUPER CAREFUL isn't enough...I HAVE TO BE SUPER-DUPER-UBER to the millionth power CAREFUL cause he's gonna start putting EVERYTHING he can get his little hands on in his mouth. I've heard crazy stories of kids swallowing pennys, buttons, food things(peanuts, raisins...or anything that might have fallen to the floor from the previous night's dinner). This new status of careful is what I DEMAND, EXPECT, and HOPE of anyone who watches, Nico even if its just for a second....which is making it even harder for me to leave him with anyone! It's so scary how fast he gets into trouble!
Sounds like Nico's developed object permanence! Isn't it amazing how fast they grow?! You are such a fantastic mother, Nico is lucky to have you!