A couple months ago Peter set up Skype in Nico's room to answer automatically whenever we cll from our accounts. Video baby monitors at babies r us go for $200+. This one was FREEEEEE =) thanks to my genius engineer husband.
The reason i'm bringing this up is that I'm in the living room working on our weekend blog entry and uploading pictures and Nico is in his room in the crib...SUPPOSEDLY NAPPING. We have him on this new( well not sooo new now but whatever) schedule to help him sleep better (actually help me sleep better lol). In that schedule, he has 2 nap times. Many sources (books and other new moms) say that you should put them down and let babies try to self soothe themsleves to sleep.......I LAUGH in the face of these statements. I have been unproductively sitting in the living room watching Nico do back flips, circles, handstands, pull-ups, and what nots in his crib for 30 minutes or more. He isn't crying so I haven't gone in to get him, but it's almost as if he knows i'm watching him. He keeps looking over at the webcam (maybe the green light is interesting) smiling, getting really close to make a face, and then resumes his gymnastics training--during his allotted NAP TIME!
When he grows up, he'll wish, like most of us, that we could have MANDATORY NAP TIME like those siesta-believing countries do. I wish that Obama would integrate NAP TIME into his stimulus packages for the work force, especially since I will be heading back to work for sure when we move to LA. Speaking of work, I'm already nervous for the transition to breadwinning working adult! Will I be able to keep my 3rd language under control in when under pressure at work...or will i just start jabbering in baby talk. Will I cry and through things like Nico when I'm confused or tired or just overstimulated? I hope that I won't randomly fall asleep while working at 9:30am and 3pm. My majorest (yes, if sarah palin can make up words, so can I) concern is that I won't be able to concentrate on the tasks at hand, thinking about my little pumpkin and what he is doing, who he is laughing with, if he is crying, who's comforting him, if he's hungry, what is he eating. I know Nico will be a year when we get out there....but thats still tiny, still my baby, my pumpkin head!!! I guess the truth of the matter is that i'm probably more attached to him than he is to me.
Anyway...back to the Weekend update:
- I ran with Nico...he slept 75% of the run, i felt great! The half marathon is 2 months away!!! I need to step up my milage!!
- Peter went on a bike ride...he has a triathlon next weekend!
- I went to breakfast with mommy friends....didn't realize the no baby memo...ooops, but it was delicious fun anyway. We ate at Chez-zee , finger-licking, come again with visitors ASAP type of great! The company of course was hilarious as always. We tried to stay away from the usual topics : spit-up bloopers, "REALLY (insert husband name here), your gonna(insert loud distracting activity) right now when i'm trying to put the baby to sleep" stories, "your not gonna believe what (insert baby name here) did" stories, new evidence of loss of braincells post-partum, and sleepless night stories. Instead with discussed the lives we once had, and the activities we liked doing in that s0-distant past of ours...lol. In that convo I noticed that other than going out and not being in a remote community in Panama working in fields, I am pretty much doing what I did before. Volunteering is a little more difficult, but we've done it together. I guess what i'm trying to say is that pre-Nico I mainly liked to HELP PEOPLE, WRITE AND RUN...and post-Nico i'm still doing it =)! I was surprised by almost all of the other mom's answers...Make-up artist and college swimmer?! Psychologist?! Dancer?! Partier?! These women were cool pre-children and I guess that's why they are still pleasant interesting people to be around. WE were all wearing making up, dressed in non- easy to breastfeed clothing, WERE WEARING ACCESSORIES, and WERE DRINKING at 10:30am!! I bet their babies barely recognized them...lol.

- Peter went on a second ride in the evening--this one was a social ride for entertainment purposes ONLY.

- With my cousin, Debora, visiting, I was able to sneak out to meet up with Peter and his friends for a WHOLE HOUR after Nico went to bed!
- we hung out together. It was entertaining to see Nico play with his soccer ball:
- watched a movie (DEAR, JOHN)
- went CHOPIN (shopping is miamian-language spoken in Miami) at the Round Rock Outlets, where Peter got some GOOD-LOOKIN new LOOKS for his new JOB!!! How did I land myself such a hunk (thanks NICO,lol)?
(banana republic jeans=$24.99, banana republic jacket= $24.30, Ralph Lauren oxford= $19.99)
(banana republic pants=13.99, Ralph Lauren oxford= 19.99)
With all the craziness surrounding this weekend (9/11 memorial, Quran burning/ burning protests, gas explosion in San Bruno California, hurricane clean-ups/missing persons searches in Austin), I'm saddened that so many people in the world are angry and suffering. I almost feel selfish and thoughtless when I sit here and post about all these HAPPY things that are happening in my life. I can't help it. I think that if everyone had a child next to them, saw them smile, laugh at your weird faces, inspected random objects...maybe then people wouldn't have time to be SO ANGRY...(if they had a child they would probably be too busy to protest, or actually DO ANYTHING else...lol) I am grateful and hope that more people find the time to enjoy, appreciate, and recognize those little things in life that make life worth living!
Thank you Austin, Mommy friends, Peter, Nico, and God for another great weekend.
Here is my favorite pic of the week:
Mommy, daddy, manu, snoopy...I miss you guys so much, I'm glad you were able to "CHILL" together...=)muahhhh
BTW..GO GATORS, even though they had a sloooooowwwwww start! I love them anyway!