On another note, although Nico is getting older, his sleeping patterns have regressed to his earlier days when he would get up and eat every 1.5 to 2 hours.....which means that I haven't gotten much sleep lately either. Last night we put him to bed around 9pm, and by 10:26pm he was already up again! We got him a new crib to put up in his new room (when we move apartments ). Hopefully he'll start sleeping a little more so that he can actually use the new crib...in his room(maybe it's wishful thinking.)
I can't believe Nico has been with us for 5 months already! I'm so happy with my little family!!! Yesterday I was driving home from a play date and I looked back to see my little man playing with some toys in his car seat, so interested in the things infront of him and all around him.
This is a picture of Nico and his friends after they got out of the pool yesterday =) Butts from left to right: Miles Dexter, Dylan David, and Nico Samuel!
I think its something in the water... Miles is on the same newborn sleep schedule this week. Last night was the worst - up every hour except thankfully he slept straight from 1-4. Growth spurt? Teeth? Whatever it is, I hope he gets over it soon, or we will go crazy!