Nico helped me organize and rearrange our apartment today!
I also got my mother's day gift from Veronica and mother's day cards from friends, far(NYC) and even further (PR)!

But today I saw a very impacting documentary, "Lord, Save Us from your Followers". In this documentary, Dan Merchant talked about the importance of DOING WHAT'S RIGHT instead of BEING RIGHT.
I was raised Catholic, went to private Catholic elementary, middle, and high school. But when I got to college was when "my religion" was challenged. In High School I started noticing something that in college was confirmed, just because you go to mass, doesn't mean that you are a better person than someone who doesn't. I'm not one to talk a lot about religion (especially cause it's such a sore subject for so many people....but luckily this is my blog...and it's where I can express myself...hopefully without hurting anyone's feelings) but this documentary pointed out something that I have never understood about religion and religious people around the world: If people claim they are so CHRIST-LIKE, why do they discriminate, alienate, talk bad, insult, and think they are better than other people? (im not saying every religious person is like that, but those who are...make themselves seen and heard.)
While I was in Panama, in the Peace Corps, Panamanians would ask me what religion I wanted them to convert to. They thought I was a missionary. I would tell them that I was not there to "convert" them to any religion, which would surprise them. The question that always followed was, what do you get out of this? I would tell them that I would get a whole $3 a day and they would laugh. It was hard for them to think that I was just there to learn and work with them without another agenda. I can't blame them though. Even at my middle school, homilies are cut short just to make sure that there is time for fundraising announcements and reminders about the "debt" that our church was in and how we could contribute.
I don't claim that i'm doing things right, cause I know I judge, I don't like some people, and I get mad. But I want to be a better person....Not for religious reasons...but for Nico. I want him to learn values from seeing those around him in action. I guess Nico's probably the reason this documentary impacted me so much. I've been looking around more and more at the world that he is going to grow up in, and it scares me; religious zealots ranting on campuses with signs, corrupt priests, people screaming"get out of my way- I'm late for mass", violence, war, and chaos. I know that I can't keep him away from it forever, but I want to prepare him as best I can. I want him to be NICE and CARE about that too much to hope for? I want him to know that God loves him...not because he hasn't missed mass but because he's my little angel.

Check out the documentary if you get a chance:
Lord, Save Us from Your Followers
In the spirit of wondering why we all can't just get along, filmmaker Dan Merchant takes to the streets to ask average folks about religious faith and why it seems to be such a divisive force in America's so-called "culture wars." In addition to man-on-the-street perspectives, the thought-provoking (and refreshingly civil) conversation includes input from activists on both sides of the ideological spectrum.
In addition to having a healthy child, I pray for her to be a caring and compassionate person. I wonder if I can be a good enough example to teach her those things. I will try to Lead By Example like I've always tried. <3 you Val & your cutie Nico!