NOW it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
Like I told you in the last post, Friday morning it snowed, which was awesome. Friday night we went to the Ronad McDonald Lights of Love 5k where Peter and Ashish ran along with 200 other crazies who were out there in 20something degree weather. Both of them had great races, despite the numbing temperatures.
Like I told you in the last post, Friday morning it snowed, which was awesome. Friday night we went to the Ronad McDonald Lights of Love 5k where Peter and Ashish ran along with 200 other crazies who were out there in 20something degree weather. Both of them had great races, despite the numbing temperatures.
There was even SNOW!!!!
Just kidding, a machine put out a shaving creme like substance on the floor around the finish so that the children and I would get a kick out of it. Fortunately for me there were heating lamps, hot chocolate, and snacks at the race...if not, I don't think I could have made it out there more than 2 minutes. The entertainment factor was great at the race, I wasn't bored for too long between the start of the race and Peter's 20:30 PR finish. We waited around for the AWARDs but unfortunately they both walked away with a pat on the back lots of Apples baggies ( which we awarded ourselves)After the race we changed and went to a Movie/Comedy show at the Alamo Draft house. It was quite interesting. We paid to flip through channels along with 180 other people and 3 weirdos on stage. Some parts were really funny but others went right over my head.
Saturday morning we played house for a little, organizing the apartment a little before heading out to watch the Gator game at Ashish's house. We all had a dreadful, stressful afternoon that unfortunately resulted in tears for all of us.
We tried to do some retail therapy at Macy's after the game, but it didn't work for either one of us or the baby. I'm not sure if the baby understood exactly what had gone down that afternoon on the football field in Atlanta and what it meant to me, but he knew somthing was up because he was squirmming all afternoon and evening, almost as if throwing a tantrum in there.
Early Sunday morning I was woken up by my senses. I couldn't resist getting out of bed. Just like when I was little and I would hear the kitchen pans dancing around and dishes diving into the sink, I would rush to the kitchen to be blissfully surprised.
Before I was able to send commands to the muscles around my body to MAKE MOVES TOWARD THE KITCHEN, I tried to identify what food could possibly be infusing the apartment so deliciously. A couple things came to mind but knowing that we didn't have eggs forced me to cross a plethora of things off that list.
As I walked out to the kitchen, I was surprised to see that Peter had gotten eggs and was busy working on building a fluffy stack of pancakes...
Breakfast was SCRUMPTIOUS, pancakes with warmed syrup, sliced apples, and OJ. Great way to start our SUNDAY!
After making space in the living room for the tree, we headed into REAL TEXAS!! We drove southeast for about 45minutes until we got to a Farm in Eglin, Tx: Evergreen Farm.
It was such a cute farm with a Donkey, a nativity scene, hot apple cider, hot chocolate, marshmello roasting station, games for children to play, a nature trail, and of course...LOTS OF TREES. We debated and circled a while before making our FINAL DECISION on which was the lucky tree we would take home.
On our drive back, we took a small country road for a couple miles. We came across some houses that look like a tornado had just hit, a train crossing, and some beautiful HUGE farms. In the midst of it all, we came across what seemed to us like a paintball facility. We turned in to see what it was. The sign read: GHOST TOWN. And it definitly looked like one, but the sign said OPEN and FOOD so we parked and walked in on the slippery planks of wood.
Apparently the owner, George Richards, has been working on this facility for the past 10 years. It is a little down with a Jail, Bank, chapel, movie theater, barn, cementary, and some other things. In the middle he has a little restaurant. We ordered some Burgers as we looked around the little town.
The more we walked around, the more we knew that Pete and my dad would have loved this place! It was straight out of a movie!!

Unfortunately, we had to leave beacause we had to make a christmas tree accessory stop at Walmart before heading home to change for Tim and Laurel (our friends) baby shower. The walmart stop was quick but funny and memorable. We bought our first christmas ornament: OUR FIRST CHIRSTMAS TOGTHER 2009.
Tim and Laurel's Babyshower was a lot of fun. They did a really cool thing. They had a sheet of paper where they asked all the guest to guess the SEX, DATEof arrival, and WEIGHT of the baby for $10 a guess. Who ever wins, gets half the pot, the other half goes to the baby.
we took this same picture at my shower a couple weeks we can compare. I guessed that she was having a baby girl on February 2, 2009 weighing 8.2 lbs. We'll see how it goes.
When we came home that night, we DECORATED OUR NAKED TREE!
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