This post is well worth the time and wait. Nico and I just got back from 2 weeks in Colombia. Needless to say, we had a fantabulous time. We captured most of what we did on camera....but what we couldn't capture with our camera, we definitly did with our hearts! I have put some pictures here on the blog but i've inserted links to the web sure to check them out. There are about 1000 pictures! Enjoy =)
Gracias a todos ustedes que compartieron con nosotros en este viaje tan inolvidable. Parece ser que entre mas tiempo pasa...mas me doy cuenta del tesoro que me regalaron mis padres: unas raizes bien sembradas en las tierras, potreros, y calles de Colombia...unas raizes que siempre me han mantenido firmemente anclada en la realidad, me han cultivado la pasión por la vida, me han nutrido el crecimiento, y me continúan inspirando cada día.
Como llegar de Colombia me siento como si me estuviera levantando de un sueno del cual uno nunca quisiera despertar. Pero ahora que estoy aquí viendo las fotos que levemente pudieron capturar unos de los tantísimos momentos de felicidad que vivimos aya Nico y Yo...veo que no fue un sueno...sino una realidad que me siento muy afortunada de poder vivir...aunque solo sea por días, momentos, instantes!
Gracias, y mil veces gracias por la felicidad y paz que me regalaron en este viaje =)
Espero que nos veamos pronto!!!!!
BOGOTA: In Bogota we hung out with family and friends...especially la abuelita Chava. Nico was a little sick but fortunately sweat those fevers out so that we could set out on some adventures =).
Mas Fotos de Bogota
We went to Monserrate with Abuelita Atriz
We celebrated Carito's birthday and got to hear the songs that she performed for THE VOICE, Colombia, which she is competing in this season.....BUENA SUERTE NINA R.!!
We also got to hang out with La prima Betty y el Primito SAMUEL!!!!
We also got to meet my mom's friend from elementary school and her family...Nico especially liked meeting abuelita atriz's friend's granddaughters....Valeria and Amelia
Tenho: We spent a couple days at my mom's best friend's (Fabiola) farm in Tenho where I was THE HAPPIEST GIRL IN THE WORLD.
Why? I went on 5 and 6 hour Cabalgatas, I saw the most spectacular mountain views, and star studded skies, For the first time in a very LONGGGGG time, I took deep breaths with out feeling like my heart was going to cave in. I was only doing ONE THING at a time...BUT the one thing that I have enjoyed doing most...for almost my ENTIRE EXISTANCE: Horse-back riding.
I helped Nanan and some of the guys working at the Police Unit. I was able to palpate some mares and refresh some skills that I learned in school.
I got to help capture a Mare and her foal from a field of 140 mares and foals. The purpose was treat the foal for a cyst on his shoulder that burst.
I got to ride around all the pastures full of horses, and over the nearby hill to the next town over.
Because we were having such a great time in Bogota...and didn't want to leave, we almost missed out on the amazing/breathtaking mini trip that my uncled gifted us with to cartagena and the surrounding islands.