I'm not the only one trying to work off the buñuelos this morning. #elfontheshelf #planking #christmas2013
There was snow at school!!!!
Santa's Parade in South Miami:
Friends are people (no matter how big or small) who make your day brighter just by being in it! #coloring#baking #racing #fighting #lovethemall #teamomirey — with Allison Gardner Massengale, Suzy Fiat, Vanessa Dueñas, Manu R. Lopez, Monica Ramsey, Ana Maria Rams, Barbie Ru, Diana Agudelo, Vivi Restrepo,Antuanet Ruiz Durand, Leilani Caraballo, Angela Minervino Moran, Patricia Silvia Senosiain and Kelly Gimbel Allegro.
Winter Wonderland Christmas show was adorable! Mi rey es una estrellita!!! #teamo #christmas2013#nomistletoeneeded — with Manu R. Lopez, Beatriz Rodriguez, Pedro Flores, Peter Piper and Veronica Birch Flores.

Mama's Birthday party was at a FARM!!!
Best Part of Christmas vacation: we get to hang out with friends:
At Kylani's 1 year Birthday Party:
And with Audrey and Kara at Tropical Park!
Noche Buena:
El regalo más divino!!! No necesito nada más!!!!!#teamo #mirey #christmas2013
CHRISTMAS: Nico's favorite gift/game! #box #dogleash #abuelo#stillinPijamas #christmas2013
La princess Sofia! #imatia #lindisima#shemovessomuch
Ooooooooooohhhhh we are ready for 2014 adventures! #happynico #happymama#boost #adirunning #biketrailer #christmas2013 #nicoandmamaadventures

Santa is loving this warm weather so much he stayed down here for a couple extra days! #wesawsanta#thankyouforourgifts #teamomirey #christmas2013

Overcast morning reminded me of our rides along the Pacific Ocean from Palisades, Santa Monica, through Venice and MDR, down to Hermosa Beach #TBTuesday #missingLAfriends#mama&nicoadventures #christmas2013 #biketrailer — with Gina Weissenberg, Brenda Miranda, Holly Danna Lueders, Dana McCreary, Barbie Ru, Brittany Love Brome, Ashish Patel, Laurel Stelzer, Alyssa Giachinoand Lora Stanley.

Life is all about balancing! May we be able to carefully balance all that comes our way this new year! Happy New Year!!! #2014 #teamomirey #toddlerlessons#goal1:de-clutter #goal2:balance #goal3:play

"Abuelo, you know somesing....we look handsome." -Nico #NYE #bye2013 #almost2014