Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Costumes from 2009-2012

This morning I woke up thinking about how fast time flies. Fortunately, I have this blog that has been capturing snidbits of time for memory sake. I thought it would be cool to find all the costumes that Nico and I  have worn over the past 4 halloweens! I can't wait to see how interesting this list will get over the years.....and lets see how many years he'll let me "MATCH" his costume, before he's tooo cool.

So here we go...

2009- Austin, TX: Nico's First Halloween we both shared the same costume, a pumpkin**. That night we won a costume contest at the Zombie PROM. Making my costumes has always been very special to the Halloween Experience.

2010- Austin, Tx: Nico's first Halloween OUT OF THE BELLY, he was a monkey and I was a Banana Tree =). We went to the Round Rock Library, and then we flew to Miami, FL to celebrate with the family.
 2011- Marina del Rey, CA: Last year we were Mario/Luigi/ Princess Peach**. Funny thing is that I thought Nico wouldn't remember, but he did. This year he asked me often to dress up as a princess because he was Mario...hahaha. We also won a costume contest at our Apartment Complex, Mariner's Village.

2012....Miami, FL: We had 2 costumes this Halloween! Nico was SUPERMAN and Mama was a Ninja Turtle** before Halloween ..and the night of Halloween, Nico was a firefighter and I was a Dalmatian =). We trick or Treated around Abuelo Pedro and Vivi's House with Nico's cousins.

**: Costumes made by yours truly =)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Fall Festival In Davie

 Tia is very creative! She always puts those creative juices to flow...especially when it comes to making nico feel special! Last weekend she invited us to Davie for a FALL FESTIVAL PARTY. If a Picture is worth a thousand words...then this Post is worth 50,000
 An arts and crafts section...
 A cooking section...
 There was a pumpkin carving section...
 Tia gave Nico an adorable Halloween Card!!
 She made jello with fun stuff inside!
 Then we went to a PUMPKIN FARM near by....SO "FALL"!!!

 Lunch was SCRUMPTIOUS!!! Abuelo luis got creative with his straw...hahaha

 After lunch we jumped on a HAY RIDE!!!

 We went home for Naptime...but after nap...the fun continueddddd with MAKING COOKIES and PIE!!
Tio-Abuelo "Alvalo" and Tia "Kili" stopped by to say hi =)

 After our yummy snacks, we went for a walk around the complex. It was a beautiful afternoon!

To say the least, it was a great way to welcome FALL. 


Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.