I know I haven't posted in forever...but GET READY! I will be BACK-POSTING about this past month and a half and will get you up to speed with the adventures of this dynamic duo =).
This past weekend Nico got to hangout with the Monkey's that mama worked with this summer! Though it was a rainy day, it was the perfect day for an adventure through the AMAZON RAINFOREST! Before going in to hang out with and feed the squirrel monkeys, we visited the Java Monkeys at the swimming pool, MAE, the orangutan, and KING, the gorilla.
Then we went into the jungle to feed the squirrel Monkeys some raisins and some other snacks! I was so excited to be able to share this moment with Nico:
For those of you who don't know..
.MONKEY JUNGLE is OPEN! It is located on
14805 Southwest 216th St. Miami, FL 33170
(305) 235-1611
If you would like a guided tour by yours truely....JUST LET ME KNOW =)