Wednesday, July 25, 2012

As my sister would say, " ARE you getting all philosophical on me..."
Our lives are a blank canvas on which we can envision whatever we desire...and stroke by stroke make those dreams and images a clear reality. Rarely do we have the patience to remember that every stroke is equally as important as the FINAL PRODUCT...for if it weren't for each and every thoughtout stroke...the painting wouldn't be complete.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Big Girl Decisions!

The last couple months have been filled with lots of thinking, planning, and praying for the wisdom to make well-thoughtout decisions...
Decision week arrived and DECISIONS were made!

After couple major changes, I had an opportunity (that people rarly get) to re-evalute my career path and make a clean start. I started tossing up a couple career paths and ended up deciding that the teaching route was one that I wanted to persue...because of my science background, my passion for sharing information, and the work schdule that it would allow me to have. Once that decision was made, I began agressivly interviewing at different schools in the Miami area for a couple different positions all in the SCIENCE area. I was very pleased to see how "qualified" the schools thought I was-which was encouraging, uplifting, and reaffirming that I was making the right move.

I am fortunate to say that those interveiws resulted is real job offers. After evaluating them...I decided to sign on to JOIN BELEN JESUIT PREPARATORY SCHOOL as their newest 7th Grade Life Science Teacher!

I also signed my new apartment lease, for an apartment near my parent's house with a walkable score of 92--"Walkers Paradise", in a familiar area which i'm happy to say we already have baby/toddler friends awaiting our move-in!

As if those decisions weren't big enough, this week I will also be deciding whether to comit to an elite running team that will be sponsored by FEAR NONE. Training starts today and if I decide to "run with it" it will be like committing to the life I used to know...practices, training, racing, performing, and pressure...Question is: Is there time to get back to an elite competitive level at this point in my life???
Honest answer: I'm not sure....however, I do know that it's hardly every the PERFECT TIME to do anything! Most of the time, things just fall into our lap at the most inopertune times, and thats we we have the chance to be too busy to taken them on...OR look them dead in the eye and say: BRING IT ON! (Did I just decide?!?!?, lol)

I'll leave you with some food for thought:
The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live. ~Flora Whittemore

Best Friend become Momma Friend!!!

One of my best friends, taking our friendship to a whole new level! A couple days after I moved back to Miami, she gave me the GREAT news that she was going to be a MOMMY!!! Because of the 1st time momma nerves, she wanted to wait to tell the rest of the world until the end of her first trimester...and so NOWWWWW i'm allowed to shout it to the world! I'm gonna know how it feels to be a TIA!!!

I'm super excited for Nico and I know that he is going to be an amazing guardian. I can't wait for Angela's little bundle of joy to come out and play!

congratulations Andrew and Angela!! Get ready for parenthood! The hardest most amazing and rewarding role you will ever play IN YOUR LIFE!!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Dia de la Independencia!

Hoy 20 de Julio me da mucha felicidad celebrar la independencia de Colombia. Esta sangrecita que tengo es demasiado pura Y me siento súper orgullosa de ser Colombiana--

Por el amor que le tengo a esos paisajes espectaculares; el sabor de esas delicias de comida que no se comparan a NADA mas en este mundo; los ritmos que me mueven el alma; el olor de esos campos llenos de cafe, frutas de todos los ...colores y sabores, ganado y caballos divinos; la gente Hermosa-- querida atenta, amable, apasionada, y trabajadora; y todos los momentos de plena felicidad que me ha traído Colombia-- mi familia-- mis amigos.
Y aunque a veces me sienta lejos y añore algún día tener la dicha de vivir aya….me siento feliz de pode compartir este amorcito que le tengo a Colombia con personajes que también están lejos pero que les palpita el Corazón un poquito mas rápido al oír un vallenato, sentarse a comer una bandejita paisa, o al oír la pelota de letras.

No soy (tan) ingenua de creer que no hay sufrimiento, ni peligros verdaderos que causan mucha intranquilidad, Pero con todas las “imperfecciones” tengo que confesar (que no ha sido ningun secreto) que siempre he vivido enamorada de Colombia…y no creo que cambie ni disminuya este amor…solo espero poder heredarle este gran amor a mi rey divino.

Feliz Día de la independencia Colombia!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Art with Tia Leilani!

The other day we went with Tia Leilani to Color Mi Mine and got our ART ON! Its the first house warming gift we make together! Thank you TIA!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

2.5 years old!

Half way to 3!
Can you believe it? I know I can't!

My buggarhead is halfway to 3! He has continued to amaze me with how strong, happy, smart, and loving he is. At his young age...he already leaves unforgettable impressions on peoples lives and effortlessly brings joy and purpose to the world around him!

Nico is hands down a talking man! Yesterday he even told me a WHOLE STORY of what he did this past weekend with PETER! He talks for his toys...example: He'll hold one car in one hand and a truck in the other and say: "hola como estas, bien y tu? quieres ir al parque? si!!!"
He has also started playing pretend- we were at daycare the other day and he pretended to work at a restaurant and told me there was NO CAFEEEE, but brought me a JUICE, and a sandwhich, and a banana! (Thankfully he didn't charge

He is COMPLETELY BILINGUAL. His new daycare is amazed at his ability to express himself and his emotions---but what they are most impressed with is HOW POLITE he is! (PROUD MOMMA)! 

Potty Training- We've had a very success week of potty training! School is helping out a lot and most of the time he spends at the house, he's wearing his big boy underware! Just like with the rest of the things in parenting, consistency and patience are HUGE is this potty training process--hopefully we can keep it up and CUT DIAPER COSTS=yayyy! As a pre-mature, Peter and I got him a BIG BOY BIKE. Though I thought that it was too big for him...I was proved wrong!

Motor Skills-
Nico's fine and gross motor skills are developing on pace! He really has amazed me with his BIG BOY biking ability!!! He got on there like a CHAMP!

Sometimes he's picky, and most of the time he only eats what he sees me making myself, but hopefully he'll start branching out a little more towards the veggies!

Though each stage of Nico's life has been full of parental adventures...I must say this time is pretty fun...and funny especially seeing how he MAKE CONNECTIONS, and tries to make sense of the world around him.

Mi Rey!
Sigue creciendo asi de lindo, tierno, inteligente, y unico! Eres el amorcito de mi vida y espero poder darte todo el amor que necesitas y aydarte a seguir creciendo como el principito que eres! Te amo!
-Mama 7/22/12

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Independence Day-USA

Happy Birthday America!


We had so much fun celebrating 4th of July with Nico at a Family Festival! I was so happy my cheeks were hurting. Nico's favorite part besides the "fireworks" was running through the bounce house obstacle course!

Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.