Life gets away from you sometimes....
But here it goes:
This image has captured Nico in his essence at 25 months! He's so full of energy, starting to test his physical limits, pushing pulling, lifting, moving....always on the go!

Sleeping habits: He was doing really well until he got sick a couple weeks before his birthday, so I must say that he hasn't really been following the bedtime rules. This month, my goal will be to get him back on track. So far, it's been 2 nights where he's at least followed the rules for the first portion of the night. Lets see how that goes. Full night sleep...happy baby=happy momma!
Eating Habits: Really likes DINO CHICKENS and EDEMAME! I'm ashamed to say that he doesn't really like veggies...but i'm trying to sneak them in where ever and whenever I can.
Vocabulary: He sometimes surprises me with the THOUGHTS that he is putting together. I guess i'm shocked because he's my little pumpkinhead but at the same time I know he's growing up I shouldn't expect anything less from him.
His 2 favorite words are definitely MINE and NO...awesome right??!?!?!!--we're working on it though. He has been USING his words when describing things he wants or NEEDS immediately (usually identified with repeating said object 200times). He in forming 2,3, and 4 word sentences!!!
Tantrums- This age isn't called the terrible twos for no reason. I experienced some short tantrums and one all out tantrum this month. I'm trying to remember to stay calm and not let the tantrum get to me. Easier said than done, but we learn as we go.
"Sooner or later, you'll face the dreaded public temper tantrum. Sometimes a tantrum is sparked because you and your child both feel added pressure in a social setting (you feel more judged; he feels more overstimulated). Public tantrums can quickly spiral out of control as your child senses your uncertainty and thrives on the attention he attracts.Health update: Nico has had 2 seizures in the last 2.5 months. The second was a Febral Seizure. We have done some test and recently visited with a second Pediatric Neurologist (which Peter and I really liked). He didn't seem too alarmed by the second seizure but a little puzzled by the first (seemingly Unprovoked seizure). Because the EEG that Nico got done in December came back negative...and is usually 75% accurate, the doctor was hesitant to say that Nico doesn't have ANY seizural activity in the brain...however with the information we do have and the events that have occurred, there is not enough evidence to support any other plan of action for the time being other than WAIT and OBSERVE. He gave us his cell phone and told us that if anything happend, to let him know immediately and he would walk us through what steps to take. He reassured us that in the last 30 years he's been practicing, he's never had a child die from an actual seizure. Children, like adults, can hurt themselves during a seizure that can lead to other life threatening situations, but the seizure itself is not a major problem.
If ignoring the tantrum for a few minutes doesn't work, or if it's too disruptive to wait it out, calmly remove your child from the scene. It can feel like all eyes are upon you, and they may be — but it's more likely that people are sending you I've-been-there empathy, not thinking you're a bad mom. Once your child regains his self-control, you can return to the situation as if nothing happened. Don't make a big deal about it. It'll be another parent's turn the next day."-
Nico's pediatrician requested some Blood Tests that we'll be getting done soon (this week). She's also going to test him to see if he carries Thalassemia like Peter and Abuelo Pete.
All in all, Nico is growing up healthy, strong, loving, and adorable! I'm so in love. I was looking back through some pictures today and saw HOW TINY he used to be.
I will always love you with all my heart! Even when I am mad, tired, or sad, know that in those times is when the love I have for you reminds me to be happy and gives me the energy I need. You've changed my life and made me MORE DETERMINED to be a better person EVERYDAY.
I love you pumpkin!