Thursday, October 28, 2010

Story-time at the Round Rock Library

Monkey and Banana Tree showed up at the Round Rock Library for STORY-TIME!!!! ( I was the only parent dressed up)
It was so much fun!!!!

Monkey(Nico) and Tree (Me) Monica and Puppy(Dylan) Stephanie and her love child (Samuel)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

3 questions, NO ANSWERSSSSSS!!

How am I supposed to find work, an apartment, and a Daycare/Nanny for Nico..... from Austin!!!
This is so frustrating. I wish that I at least new one of the three answers so that I could know where to start looking for the other 2.

I don't even know how i'm going to be able to leave Nico at a place or with someone. I've spent all day every day and night with him since he was born!

What questions do you ask a random stranger to see if they are TRUSTWORTHY, CAREFUL, MOTHERLY, and HONEST enough to entrust them with YOUR CHILD! It's not like your looking for someone to supervise your pet iguana or something...IT's MY BABY we're talking about here!!!!
How do you determine what daycare to take your child to? If the teachers will pay attention to your child if he is climbing up a table? If the times work out with your work schedule? If you make enough for daycare to be even worth paying for??If they will comfort him if he cries?? Who will comfort me when I cry??

I would like to live close to where i'll be working....but most importantly, I want to have Nico stay with someone at the house or at a daycare near my job.....BUT I DON'T HAVE A JOB!!!!
This is so frustrating and scary. I know a million moms work and leave their kids everyday...but right now, from where I see it, it's going to be the hardest thing in the world! I don't think that any career is worth missing out on Nico's LIFE or worth the risk of anything happening to him. He's my baby. In just a couple years he will want nothing to do with me. He'll have games to go to, friends to play with, school, and a HUGE list of THINGS THAT ARE COOLER THAN MOM. Right now, I'm the coolest thing in the world...funniest too! But I know I need to work because we need me to make $$$$, I just wish there was another way...I wish someone I knew would move with us to LA. It would make all the difference in the world!!! I'm terrible at trusting am I going to figure out a way to trust someone in a city like LA!?!?!? I know we still have about 2 months before we get out there but just the thought of these decisions...brings me to tears.

Having to cancel 2 hour spanish classes because you don't have ANYONE that can put your child to sleep, having fights with your husband over who's not getting a break just because you can count on your hand the number of times you've gone out in the past 10 months, spending hundreds of dollars on flights just so that family can spend time with Nico and see him grow......Having YOUR OWN LITTLE family away from your family has to be one of the most difficult parts of being new parents.

The same way that many moms work, we know many couples raise their kids without the help of their families as well...We are not the only ones doing this on our own....many of our mommy friends here are also away from their families. Those who have family nearby...lucky you...enjoy them! For those that don't...I guess it will only make us stronger.

I hope that my 3 questions are answered sooner than later, before I develop an ulcer from the stress they're causing me.

And if you know of anyone who would be a good caretaker in LA, or is interested in moving to LA...PLEASE LET US KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!For Real!

Last weeks events/activities...

I completed/submitted my application for my masters at USC!
I applied for a job at a school in LA, Brentwood school. I'm really excited about both of these. Hopefully i'll be hearing back soon!!!!!
Mommy hang out was here at our apt. We got to meet a new momma...who's dominican, Marielk! Julia, Bethany, Allison, and Stephanie missed for travels, and snotty babies...and we really missed them.
We went to the Domain with Dylan and Monica to walk it out....
Dylan and Nico actually talked (googaaauuuuu) to eachother and then WAVED GOOD-BYE to eachother!!!!
From 1010 More Octoberpumpkinfriends
From 1010 More Octoberpumpkinfriends

From 1010 More Octoberpumpkinfriends

We went to see daddy play soccer!!! It was a lot of fun. Nico got to hang out with a GIRL...only problem, she tough...she has 2 older brothers that warned Nico not to get near their sister.

  • I ran 10 miles with Liz and Kelly at 8 minute pace with the last mile at 7:30 pace. It didn't feel that bad. I'm a couple weeks away from the San Antonio Half Marathon!!!!
  • Got a pedicure with Sarah, Anne Marie, and Kelly!!! I had forgotten what it felt like to be gurlie and sit back while someone gives you a foot/leg massage and you talk with friends about random things =) It was so relaxing, especially the warm towel I had on my shoulders!!!
  • I also found out that another NI couple delivered their baby Thursday Night...Tica and Arves (not sure if that is spelled correctly). They welcomed EMILY to our world!!! yayyyy for the new mommy and daddy!! We wish them luck and hope they get REST!!!
  • We went to lunch with Charlie, Kelly, and this really awesome lunch place, NEW WORLD DELI, where I tried smoked gruyere~ incredible!!!!
  • Hung out at a tavern for a little after lunch and tried a delicious raspberry cider beer.

I love how eventful our lives are....
thank you Austin friends for filling our calendar with fun stuff to do!!!!!

Halloween is getting closer!!!

halloween is almost here and we have gotten in the spirit of the season!!!
This past weekend we carved our pumpkin:
Yesterday we hung out with pumpkins a monkey and a puppy.
And here are some silly pictures of Nico monkeying around with daddy before he left to LA:

Friday, October 22, 2010

Amazing moments follow rough times.

There were times in middle school when I thought that if we lost one more basketball game, I would QUIT.
There were times when I was in High School that I thought that if I did one more Hill Repeat, I was going to collapse.
There were times in college when I thought that if I ran one more lap, my legs were going to fall off.
There were times in Santa Clara (Panama) when I thought that if I couldn't find a large pool of freezing water in the the next 5 seconds, I was going to jump infront of a diablo rojo (crazy buses-public transportation in Panama).
There were times when I was in Santana(Panama) when I thought that if had to plant one more seed, I was going to set Panama's countryside on Fire.
There were times (not so long ago) when I thought that if Nico stayed awake crying for one more minute, I would seriously consider putting him up for adoption.

However I made it through all those seemingly eternal "difficult" times because those moments were always followed by a close-score loss(haha), PRs, yummy cucumbers, a refreshing bucket-bath, and awesome laugh attacks that made it all worth it and made me feel I could go on!
A wise man(Montalvo) repeated often, take it one step at a time! And it worked, because none of those moments lasted forever.
Just beyond difficult situations lie amazing moments waiting to be discovered, if you are just patient enough to get through to them.

Our challenges are changing everyday, yet so are we. We are growing, adapting, and learning from every experience. We shouldn't forget all the steps that it took to get to where we are, all the little hurdles we overcame. By reflecting on those we realize that we are in fact, stronger than we think we are.

I hope you are having a great day!! Take time to pat yourself on the back today!!
You'd be surprised who is looking up to you right now....
I have a little man standing against the sofa, looking up at me, watching me type, with a huge smile on his face...=)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I'm been itching to do some art for a while but I just haven't been able to find the time... and so this weekend I finally got around to it. I started painting some canvas totes that I had bought a couple weeks ago to send to my community in Panama, Santana del Macano. I think this could be a good project for the women in my community: Decorate the bags with fabric paint and sell them in Las Tablas. I am writing out (drawing out) some examples and ideas for them. I will be sending them soon and will see what they think of the project.

I also did some redecorating around the apartment and made NEW FAMILY WALL ART to put in our bedroom! I looked up how to say I LOVE YOU in different languages and then put them around the ironed-on images on the canvases (that I painted red). I am so excited with the NEW ARTWORK!!!

Happy Birthday Abuelo Flores!

Today is Abuelo Flores's Birthday!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

IBM Uptown Classic 10k

IMB Uptown Classic 10k
Peter, Nico and I ran together (most of the race). The race was around the Domain and IBM campus. It was difficult getting out and around with the stroller the first mile...we were stuck behind walkers and really really slow joggers. I didn't think we had started that far back....but I guess I was WRONG! At mile 2.5 another stroller caught up to us. Peter then ran with him for a little (that's when I fell back) but I caught back up to them before mile 4. We ran the last 2 miles (as I tried calculating in my head what I time was going to be). Finally at the 6 mile marker we could see the finish line...It was such a beautiful sight!! As we were approaching the finish line, Peter grabbed my hand and lifted it...hahaha. So we crossed holding hands like we had just time: 46:04 Nico behaved so well the whole race. He was looking around checking out the runners and the course, making his dino noises! All the fans LOVED him...especially at one of the water stops full of teenage girls...I REALLY THOUGHT THEY HAD JUST SEEN JUSTIN BEBER OR SOMETHING! They were yelping, shrieking, and "awwww"ing- very annoying, but understandable =).
I ended up getting third place in my age group 20-24...I got a $15 gift certificate to a SPA at the Domain and a MissZippy running shirt!!!
Ashish, ran a PR on Sunday at the Uptown Classic...33:34 for the 10k which earned him 11th place overall!!!! The race was stacked with fast runners from Mizuno, Gibert's Gazelles, and Rogue. He ended up in 4th place in his age group.

After the race we hung out, fed Nico his breakfast, and got massages!!!

Special shout out to Ashish's girlfriend, Kelly Simmons, ran a Marathon on Saturday in Baltimore in 3hours and 9 minutes!!!!! INCREDIBLE, she ran faster for 26.2 miles that Peter/Nico/I ran for 6.2 miles!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Happy Brithday, Dad!

Happy Birthday, Dad!!! 50 means you are halfway there!

It seems like with every new stage in my life, I realize one more thing I have learned from you. When I am doing something new, it is your lessons that help me feel like I have been there before. In college, I gained many friends by treating others with respect and having a sense of humor. When I recently started my job, I remembered you taught me that working hard will get you further than cheating the system. With my new family, your example has shown me how to respect and honor my wife and son. It doesn't surprise me that I am so comfortable as a father, with an example like you

Abuelo, a piece of advice:

Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter.
-- Jack Benny

Peter, Valeria and Nico!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Nico is 9 months old!!!

Nico turned 9 months old TODAY!!!
Eating Habits: He's still eating at 9am, 1pm, and 5pm, about 4-5oz of food. He loves CHEERIOS which seems to be all he wants to eat lately. He now has 6 teeth!!!!
Doctor today says we can cut up the steamed vegetables for him to eat, give him regular yogurt, little cheese cubes for him to bite, and little pieces of meat.

Motor Skills: He is clapping!!! Crawling, kneeling, standing up, and as of today, using living room furniture to take steps!!! He still loves hide and seek/ pica-boo. He is getting great at actually playing with his toys, not just eating them! The biting continues...=(

Emotional changes: The clingginess continues! I haven't seen any ANGER lately, which I hope is a sign of great He continues to recognize more people (i think).

Sleeping habits: He is doing really well! waking up maybe once at night, but a lot of nights right through!!

Speech: No words yet or sign language-though I try signing to him whenever I remember to and ALWAYS when we are eating...Comida...MAS. We continue hearing dadadada, jajaja, yayaya, and have started to hear MAMAMAMA sounds!!!!!!!!!!!

Other: Hanging out with Nico and his friends has become a lot more FUN...they are actually playing together, looking at eachother, making noises at eachother...So Adorable!
He's also getting bigger so hugging him is a lot easier and

Last night I lay awake in bed at 1:50am and I realized that 9 months ago I was laying awake (on a hospital bed not so far away) with NO IDEA how INCREDIBLY AMAZING my life would become with the arrival of my pumpkin head!!
Thank you Nico for being so funny, loving, and special!

Today we went to a pumpkin patch with Nico's friend, Jackson. It was a lot of fun!

Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.