Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Monica and Dylan invited us to a MUSIC TOGETHER CLASS.
I, for one, am tone-def....I can barely clap in rhythm with music...which is a TERRIBLE characteristic of a MOM! The songs were simple but I just couldn't really make any pleasing sounds...very frustrating, but NICO HAD A BLAST!

He made friends instantaneously! The ladies in the class, LOVED HIM and HIS CELL PHONE!
From 1008 7 month old Nico
From 1008 7 month old Nico

From 1008 7 month old Nico
Here is a little video of the class. You might see it and think that it is complete chaos, but us mommies in the class just heard our babies playing in their first symphony!!

Last friday Nico and Mommy Volunteered at Monica/Tom/Dylan's Food Pantry.
Nico, on my lap, helped me translate for the people that were coming into to the Food Pantry looking for FOOD. Nico put everyone in a great mood with his smiles!! However, it was very tiring and overwhelming experience. To see families with 5 and 6 kids and picking up 2 boxes of food for the NEXT MONTH, was difficult. It made me realize that we do have SO MUCH...and that we worry about things that really don't matter in the grand scheme of things.
Seeing those women/men/ children, made me want to help them HELP THEMSELVES so that they can CHANGE their own situations...but for now, I don't know how, so I want to keep helping them by translating, smiling, and having conversations with them...Maybe along the way, an idea will dawn on me.
Nico and I are planning on volunteering on Fridays from 2-4pm

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Saturday morning I ran in Downtown about 7miles. I had to cut my run short cause my left IT band started hurting. Since there was no need to "push through the pain" I walked the last 2 1/2 miles...which SUCKED! I had forgotten how much I hate to walk! But I soaked in Barton Springs' freezing water for a couple minutes...(It brought back memories of UF's cold tank in the training room, only difference from then and now is that I don't have a nice and ready trainer willing to flush out my legs after my runs and tell me if the pain is "run-through" kind or "wait it out/rest" kind".)
In the later morning, we drove to SOUTH AUSTIN for a Kickball tournament. At first, I didn't think it was a good idea, but as we started playing (Peter and I alternating postions- to take care of Nico) I really started enjoying it-- especially when I SCORED 2 RUNS and GOT SOMEONE OUT!!!!! This is a picture of our team-->
In the evening: Mommy and Nico went to Borders (until she was asked to leave because Nico was being disruptive... I was ready to leave anyway!!!) and heard Live Music at the DOMAIN, which was really nice and "Austin-y". In the meantime, daddy got some quiet time to hang out at his favorite burger restaurant on Lake Austin.
When he picked us up at the Domain, he brought mommy sushi and roses. He said the different colors represented the different ways he loves me....=)
Maybe in his quiet time he realized that my "MOM-'job is Mon-Sun, 24/7 unlike a "real-job" that is only M-F 9am-5pm, and that I don't get coffee breaks, sick-days, or mental health days OFF...I actually don't even get weekends off.

We got in the pool. We had the whole pool to ourselves! Then we got to see a FLASH FORWARD 5 years...we got to see some older kids playing, NOT SHARING, trying to swim, interacting with other children and parents...ahhhhh.
Daddy put up some decorations around the house...coolest one was the WORLD MAP in our living room!!
In the afternoon, we had a family date; We went to hang-out with Nico's friend, Jackson, and Mommy's friend, Julia...who ran for FSU, but we like her anyway =).

That night we looked like a scene right out of a sitcom:
We put Nico to bed and both Peter and I jumped into bed immediately each with our own--How to make your child sleep better book. I was reading: "The no-cry sleep solution" and Peter was reading "Healthy sleep habits, Happy Child". After reading a couple pages and discussing, we have realized that we need to establish a pattern/routine for Nico and FOR OURSELVES!
We have written up a schedule since then and have been trying to stick to it as much as possible. We'll see how it goes...and if our sleepy times IMPROVE!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Writing Research

I came across this article: Writing for Parenting Magazines.
If you're a parent, grandparent or even if you just love kids, today's writing opportunity* may be just what you've been looking for.Parents Magazine is currently accepting submissions. The writer's guidelines are fairly specific and snail mail submission is required. Query first:

When querying us, please send a one-page letter detailing the topic you'd like to address as well as your strategy for writing the story. Demonstrate that you are adept at doing research by mentioning the kinds of sources you intend to use. Keep in mind that all of our articles include expert advice and real-parent examples as well as study data. It's unnecessary to send a completed manuscript; a query letter will do.

Always send a self-addressed, stamped envelope. 375 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Phone: 212-499-2000
I think this could be a start, but with so many experiences, what topic should I address?

I also came across this website: Writing Opportunity
It list different options that freelance writers have. Some include:
  • book publishing
  • Hybridmom.com
  • other freelace options

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Nico Lico!!!

I haven't posted pictures of Nico in a while!
From 1008 7 month old Nico

SO SORRY, cause i know most people who read and follow this blog are family members who want to get updates on our little PUMPKIN HEAD!

Well you all know that he is crawling...VERY FAST these days. He is in His PUPPY STAGE, where he crawls all around, follows me into the kitchen, the bathroom, and the bedroom. He crawls up my leg to try to pull himself up to stand.The cool part is, if I call him, he comes!! It's awesome, haha.
He still loves putting everything in his mouth...MORE SO NOW THAT HIS 3rd tooth is coming in!!!!

This morning I walked into his room and he was standing in his crib!!!
Here are a couple videos...Nico crawling and playing at the door:
From 1008 7 month old Nico
From 1008 7 month old Nico


Among the many child-friendly activities in my day, I try to squeeze some "JOB-SEARCHING" time whenever possible. In this quest, I have discovered that finding a job is NOT THAT EASY. (i guess a lot of people know that now due to the increasing unemployment levels all around us, but I didn't think that I would be in the situation)Granted, I know that i'm not AS AVAILABLE (because wanting to be with my pumpkin will keep me from putting in over-time...maybe even full-time) as a lot of other people searching for jobs, but still...I have a Degree in ANIMAL SCIENCE BIOLOGY...which for a lot of people doesn't mean much but for those of you who are in med-school now, you know that I had to take ALL the same classes as you for my degree. I also have invalueable LIFE EXPERIENCE in the Peace Corps, where my people, team-working, lost-in-translations skills were sharpend while having to overcome gender-roles and cultural differences in my work-environment. Living in a room the size of 1/2 a dorm room with 2 other teenagers, using an outdoor latine, washing my clothes by hand, wearing damp jeans that didn't dry by the time I needed them, finding snacks along my walks to meetings (fruits in trees), explaining to community members that there is MORE THAN ONE WAY TO DO THINGS, compromising, learning to pick my battles, and just working together with people who have always done things SO differently than me but still GET RESULTS was, I BELIEVE, as valuable or even more valuable than any laundry list of "JOB EXPERIENCE" that employers are looking for.

I thought that with my disposition, openness to learn, passion for making a difference, DEGREE, and experience in the PC, finding a job would be as easy as stealing candy from a baby...NOT!

One thing i've starting to realize is that some people think that the Peace Corps and other experiences like it are not as VALUABLE AS "REAL" work experience....since these same people believe that hippies and tree huggers are the kinds of people who want to "change the world". In Panama, in my group alone we had a couple so called "tree-huggers" who were there to spread the Peace and Love, but there were also guys and girls who had studied all sorts of different things in school (science, english, public relations, communications, Engineering, and linguistics..just to name a few) and wanted to try and make a difference, at least for a little, and gain a different perspective on life.

Instead of staying to work in a REGULAR 9-5 job, they accepted the invitation to serve in the Peace Corps and challenged themselves to actually TEST THEIR LIMITS, take a risk, and LEARN about who they were...before coming back and entering this money-making job world that sucks the life and passion out of the weak...brainwashing them into becoming people they never were when they first entered their line of work. I believe that once you've had a taste of REAL MEANINGFUL WORK...you can't help it but keep searching for another like-minded employer who values the same things you do and who will appreciate your dedication, passion, and drive.

I came across a pretty interesting website today:

The website has a group for Returned Peace Corps Volunteers that are looking for work. The description reads:

This is for all us unemployed RPCV's that are now home and looking for work! Let's help each other out with advice, links, phone numbers, e-mail addresses of prospects or what not to help us all be employed in the future!

Members: 104
Latest Activity: Aug 18

What employeer wouldn't want to hire someone who understands the importance of TEAM-WORK, who knows how to BUILD RELATIONSHIPS with co-workers and employees, who self-evaluates, is a goal-setter, and gives proper importance to detail while not loosing sight of the BIG PICTURE?

I am hopeful that GREAT OPPORTUNITY IS AROUND THE CORNER. I have too much to share and do to keep it bottled up inside soooo,

The quest continues...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Happy Birthday Piri!!!!
Peter is 25 years old today
It's a time through which some people around this age suffer a "quarter life crisis". That simply means that young professionals that have recently graduated are anxious to find meaning in their day to day, are searching for fulfilling careers, and are nervous that they are settling for something less than what they envisioned for themselves.
I was telling Peter that I don't think this mindset should be categorized as a CRISIS. I think it's important and an essential component of living a purpose-driven life!

At 25, Peter has traveled the world, graduated from UF, made a name for himself in his department at work, guided new hires at his job as they start their new careers, partied until he was 'kindly' asked to leave, modeled almost 100 different hairstyles/ facial hair combos, co-founded a website, jumped out of a plane, made me the happiest/luckiest girl int he world, and brought a handsome and incredible baby boy into this world... among so many other things!
In these first 25 years of his life he's done more than some people only dream of accomplishing!

I only hope that he feels as lucky, inspirational, HOT, special, adventurous, smart, and crazy as we all know he is!


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Blogs--SAHM's best friend

Now I know why so many stay at home moms (SAHM, yes this is an official term) have blogs. In the last couple days I've been reading all these blogs and was a little sad, cause I thought I was special...lol. But here's why we need to have these blogs: TO FEEL AS IF WE ARE TALKING TO SOMEONE. Yes we have family, friends, our husband, and our baby to talk to but....sometimes we just want to say things and don't quite know who to tell...or if anyone cares....With a blog, PROBLEM SOLVED. If someone cares, they will read it and if they don't, then they just don't read it. The important thing is that you already got it off your chest and "told SOMEONE".
I guess as a mom, these blogs become our best friend, the one we go to with our joys and sorrows, accomplishments and failures, knowing that it will always be here to listen to what we need to say without judging. This blog and by old one have been able to help me capture my thoughts and emotions throughout the last year and 1/2....and I really have loved the experience.

Anyway, here are some UPDATES ON MY RUNNING:
Yesterday I ran 10 miles with Nico in the stroller! That's right, I said I ran 10 miles pushing a 20lb baby in an 10lbs stroller!!! I felt great, almost like my old running self...but when i finished, I didn't really have anyone to talk to about with...SO I'LL TELL YOU =) BFF..lol
I ran on a road that was really hilly but had great flat new asphalt with no bumps making it a super SMOOTH ride for Nico, water stations every mile, shady, and lined with pretty houses that made for nice scenery. I was going a good pace and Nico behaved the whole time! I could not have asked for a better morning. I was planning on running 8 and I went for 10! A new record for me now (post-Nico). I was thinking about the San Antonio Half in November...now it doesn't seem as bad as it did a couple weeks ago. I'm looking forward to seeing how in-shape I can get by November 14th.

This morning I went on a 19 mile bike ride with some runner friends and then ran about 3 or 4 miles with Peter and Nico. I do even remember the last time I was on a bike! For sure it's more than a year and a half. But just as the saying goes "...it's just like riding a bike." I remembered how to ride, only problem is, I didn't remember how to use the gears, so I just didn't shift gears that much on the ride. The road we rode on went out west from our apartment on a very hilly road into basically nothingness---cows, farms, deer, and a WHOLE LOT OF BIKERS! Peter and Nico were at a nearby park, Brushy Creek Lake Park. When I got there, they were just getting started, so I jumped off my bike and joined them. At first it was SLOW! To think that I used to jump off my bike for tri's without thinking twice about my legs weighing me down for the run. I tried really hard to get into a normal running rhythm so that I wouldn't sound/look SO TIRED. Yummy breakfast followed.
But then we we got home, exhausted...Mommy had to clean the apartment while Nico and Daddy got to rest and hang out on the Hammock by the pool. This of course put a damper on my mood. Doing all the dishes from last night's dinner (with guests) plus Nico's stuff left my hand as smooth as a baby's bottom....NOT, they feel like sandpaper right now!
Now that I got a couple minutes to relax, I opted to write this entry instead of talking myself into getting REALLY UPSET. And I must say it's been therapeutic, cause even though my hands are so rough, I feel that my boiling blood has started to cool. I'm gonna try and take a nap--if Nico and Peter allow.

---NOPE..time for mommy to make lunch...

Friday, August 20, 2010

Lots to cover:

Lots to cover:
Work Update: So I didn't get the teaching job at Stepping Stone Schools :(...but I'm still searching for work. Nico is making it harder and harder for me everyday though. The more days go by the more I feel like I need a Brilliant Work from home and make $$$ IDEA. I know i'm not the first and won't be the last to have this inner tug of war going on but I need to figure out what to do. I have sent out my resume to a couple places...lets see if any fish take the bait!
2 moms that I met today did. 2 years ago when they had their kids they thought that the baby food market didn't have a lot of healthy options...so they set out to start: Nurturme, where they make 100% natural gluten-free baby food that all you need to do is add water/formula/breast-milk to. They get natural fruits and vegetables from local farmers, dry the food in their houses and have a packager....They are selling their products at Whole Foods and a couple other stores....INCREDIBLE!!! I was very impressed. And the baby food actually tasted good!

Peter Update:I wanted to give Peter a Shout out for 2 great accomplishments. The first one: HIS HEALTH TEST! Last year in Sept he took this same test. All his numbers dropped!! He went from Cholesterol levels of 193 to 157! Specifically, his Triglycerides went from 117 to 38!!! The doctor gave him an A+.
The second one: HIS DRIVE at WORK. The morale in Peter's department hasn't been that cheery lately, but unlike a lot of his co-workers who are just bickering and complaining, Peter decided to try and do something about it. He set up a meeting with his manager to hear his opinion of the situation and see what were ways he could help to fix it or lift spirits. The meeting went great and this is what his manager sent out to another manager.
I wanted to quickly point out that I was very impressed with his preparation for this meeting, his delivery of the feedback in a very mature and constructive fashion, and his ability to communicate and listen effectively. I feel comfortable that our mentor program is in good hands and am glad that we have an AE with those behaviors and characteristics helping the newest members of our AE family navigate their first months in the department.
I'm very thankful to have Peter in the department.
Austin Update: It's breastfeeding Month here in Austin. Even though I'm not exclusively breastfeeding, I went to an event today at City Hall (that's where I met the women who make the baby food). It was really funny cause they were SOOOO EXCITED and SOOOO ALLLL ABOUT BREASTFEEDING that it was kind of creepy. To be honest about breastfeeding, IT WAS REALLY PAINFUL...for a LONG time, not just the first couple days, but I stuck with it because I knew that it was good for Nico and me too. Let me remind you Nico is 7 months, in the first weeks of feeding, I didn't think we would even make it to a full MONTH of breastfeeding. I didn't think there would ever come a day where I would enjoy it, but I can say that in the last couple months I have...a lot. I must say though, that even in the beginning, it was nice feeling like I was the ONLY PERSON who could feed Nico! It was very empowering in a time that I had lost all sense of self-worth basically. Now, knowing that even though I don't have a lot of milk, Nico still NEEDS me to fall asleep sometimes is special. I am completely in love with this little man and I can honestly say that I FORGIVE him for all the pain, tears, blood, and scars that feeding him caused me! I do believe that breastfeeding definitely added to this insane bond and attachement I have to him. I must say that I dont' think that formula is bad or that Nico will get sick, be dumb, or get ear infections because he is no longer SOLEY ON BREAST MILK (just had to get that off my chest). Sometimes, around my breastfeeding moms, I felt a little ashamed to pull out my little formula bottle but I don't anymore cause I know their not judging me (they know we are all doing the best we can for our babies)...and the people who do, well....they aren't very nice people.

The end for today...

1 year Engagement Anniversary!

A year ago Peter and I were in Vieques, Puerto Rico. We started the day with a nice breakfast at our hotel and went to a little beach (next to the one that I went to with the Lourdes XC team when I was in High School, where we tried to do our calendar...hahhaha--you girls know what i'm taking about...)
From Puerto Rico
We rented snorkeling gear and swam to an island near the beach.
Tho whole time I was swimming, I was nervous that Nico was gonna slip out if I kicked too fast...haha. Ironic huh, cause for 18 weeks in Panama I ran, went horse-back riding, planted rice and cucumbers bent over all day, cleared hectares with my machete, carried super heavy tree trunks and bags, and took malaria medications--and nothing happened to Nico, but the second I found out I was pregnant, I had was all of a sudden nervous to do EVERYTHING!
After some lunch at a little restaurant across the street from the beach, we took a taxi to another beach...the jerk charged us like $40 dollars to get there....and it was only like an 8 minute drive-ridiculous! But the beach was beautiful!!!

In the evening, Peter and I went horse-back riding...again something that I had been doing in Panama everyday on MY OWN HORSE-Caramelo and didn't think twice about jumping on bareback....but here I was now at a super SLOW WALK because I was nervous that the jumping up and down was gonna HURT NICO!
But on that ride, as the sun was setting on the ocean diagonally behind me, the salty breeze blowing in my face, Peter's and my horse splashing as they went into the water a little ....PETER ASKED ME TO MARRY HIM! And I said YESSS
Totally unexpected...but totally perfect! Now that I look at the picture, I realize that it looked a little cloudy...hahaha, i didn't even notice.
The next day we left Vieques and went to visit Leilani in Ponce before heading back home to Miami. I loved the surprise trip....If you are wondering why the ring in on my right hand in this picture, it's because neither Peter nor I knew what hand the engagement ring was supposed to go on....haha, so I just put in ont he hand that FIT...=)

By the way, this was me 4 1/2 months pregnant. I weighed 10 lbs less than I do now...7 months post-NICO!!!!!! But no worries...i'm workin on it!
Recordar es Vivir! I love this quote, it says: To remember is to Live! Just thinking back on last year takes me back to conversations, emotions, and so much more...I can almost feel the sand under my feet...
I think its nice to be able to let you memories take you to those places and times that were special for whatever reason and allow those memories to reenergize your life.

Once Wedding plans are official we will let you know...No worries though, it will be before Nico goes to College, we promise!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Kelly's Wedding

Kelly got married on Aug 7th, 2010 to Josh. Wedding was at St. Timothy and the beautiful reception was at Fairchild Tropical Gardens. Fr. Willie from Belen made the ceremony funny, solemn, special, and thought-provoking. In his homily, he spoke about LOVE being a CHOICE, not a feeling. He told Josh, though you don't believe it right now, one morning you are going to wake up and roll over in bed and say..."what have i gotten myself into?" and he told Kelly, one day Josh is gonna walk in from work and ask for dinner after you've had a long day and you're gonna say "Nooo, que embarque!". At those moments you have to remember that you made this choice, that you committed to each other. He said that somedays you won't FEEL like loving each other, and that's okay, as long as you stay true to your CHOICE!

We live in a --If it ain't broke, don't fix it but if it is broke, get a new one-- kind of society. I think this has really affected the divorce rate that we are seeing all around us. People aren't working on and maintaining their relationships...by the time they break-down...both partners are so far removed from the source of the problem that they just throw the towel in and are ready to move on. We need to be good janitors of our relationships!

It was so nice to be present and share with Kelly & Josh on their special day! I'm excited about all the future milestones we will be able to share together as we all keep GROWING UP!!!
Here are some pictures:

Mr. Right and Mrs. Always Right....hahahaha, love it!

Nico made an appearance at the cocktail party between the Wedding and the Reception where he met mommy and daddy's friends; some for the first time!


Not only is Aug.7th an important day for Kelly and Maverick, but for Peter and I as well. A year ago, I found out that Nico had been hanging out in my tummy for 18 weeks without my knowing. With all the crazy rush in Miami, I didn't have time to write about the day or reflect on it. That day I had so many emotions rushing through me, thoughts of confusion, anxiety, disbelief, and fear. Now, a year later, i'm still filled with disbelief but it's accompanied by awe, gratitude, and happiness.

I sometimes don't understand WHY things happen the way they do, but as time goes by...I realize that it's not my job to UNDERSTAND...all I have to do is live the changes and take the chances for growth and happiness that life is putting in my path.
I guess all I can say: Thank you God for picking me to be Nico's mommy and Peter's wife...I love my roles!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Happy 7 months

Nico is 7 months old today!!!
His Birthday gift was a HIGH CHAIR!!!
Some of the things he's up to:
  • Eating habits: he's eating great: 9am and 4pm, about 2.5 oz of food at each of those meals. He has also eaten real peaches and strawberries in this little net thing that my friend gave us. My milk supply feels like it has significantly reduced but breastfeeding him is still
  • Motor Skills: he's crawling; he can switch from crawling to sitting and back again; he's reaching for things; switches objects from one hand to another; looks around at people and things (very curious); he sits in front of the toy box in the living room and tilts it toward him to rummage through the toys and pick what he wants to play with.
  • Emotional changes: Has become a little more clingy...crying a little more when I'm out of sight; We have also seen a new emotion recently, anger. He throws things, bends backwards, puts his hands on his head and over his face, flings his hands up and down, and screeches. He is also starting to recognize more people (I think).
  • Sleeping habits: No he's not sleeping thorough the night...People keep asking me that! He has slept a couple times but nothing consistent. He wakes up about 1 a night and then close to 5:30 or 6 am. It's not too bad most nights =).
  • Speech: his lungs have definitely developed...he's a lot louder and a lot more vocal (dadadada, jajaja, yayaya, but still no MAMA sounds )
  • Other: Still loves the water which includes pool time, bath time, and just drinking it out of a water bottle

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Pictures and Videos from Miami and San Fran

Nico and I have been in Miami for a couple days now and we have been having a great time! We have Gone to the beach, run, met up with friends and family and reached another milestone in Nico's LIFE! He started crawling today at Abuelo Pete and Vivi's house in the presence of his great-grandma (Eneida), all 4 grandparents, Tio Tony I&II, Tia Manuela and Pebbles!

He's been rocking back back and forth for a couple weeks now and everyone would tell me...he's gonna crawl any day now....AND HE FINALLY DID!
Look and my little man go!!!

Here are some more pictures:
Daddy is working in California this week and has gotten to see and do a lot of cool things too. He even ran across the Golden Gate Bridge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHICH I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED TO DO!!!!!!! But it's okay...I'll get my chance one day =)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Nico's Baptism

The last details for Nico's Baptism were finalized yesterday morning:
When: Wednesday, December 15th, 2010
Where: Paroquia Santa Teresa de Jesus; Santagueda, Colombia
What time: 5pm
By whom: Padre Luis Eduardo Loaiza
Godparents: Manuela Rodriguez & Anthony Flores

The whole family is on Trips!

We are in Miami!
We've only been here 1.5 days and we're drained....so much so that Nico actually slept all night last night!!

We have visited family, family and friends have come to visit us, we've gone to the beach ($1.50 toll, $8 to enter Crandon Park, Key Biscayne...pretty ridiculous), and gone to Tropical Park to run(luckily free...for now cause they are soon going to start charging $5 for parking)!

Tonight we have a big Night...Nico's great-grandma, Florence (Peter's Grandmother), has an art show! Nico is the guest of Honor. Mommy has already picked a super cute outfit for him to wear!!!

Peter is on his way over to the WEST COAST as we speak...=( for work. He needs to take lots of pictures and bring back a full report, since he is entertaining some offers for sales positions in Cali.

We're off to do Miami things =)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

notifinder.com update

Hey friends, this is Peter and I wanted to write down some links and figured I would share them.

www.notifinder.com is a project Ashish and I have been working on at nights. It is meant to help you find things on craigslist by setting up searches and receiving updates in your email. It is very simple and easy-to-use. Try it out!

We published the site about 6 months ago and now have about 500 users and over 1,000 active searches. It has been really fun to watch it grow. We have also recently received some press coverage:
Techie Buzz review
makeuseof.com review
another review
A twitter post
A video review!

We are international!

Let me know what you think!!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Playmate and running buddy leave!

On this blog, lots of you have read about the adventures that Nico's friend, Miles, and Mommy's friend, Laurel, have been on in the past couple months.

The time for their trip has come! They are moving to Malaysia next week. Since Nico and I are going to Miami, we said our good-byes yesterday over lunch....which was delicious by the way thanks to the homemade bread Sarah brought, and homemade pesto Laurel brought...and my yummy Bean/walnut/chicken salad.

Laurel and I met through another friend, AnneMarie who I met when I moved out to Austin last Septmeber. When I met up with AnneMarie, she told me about Laurel, who was also pregnant, and also a runner. Overwelmed with excitement, I met up with them at Town lake for a little jog. By then I was already 6 1/2 months pregnant and running was a lot more difficult....but I still tried running with them. Laurel was able to run for longer than me...but soon we could only walk/jog together and then eventually just walk..slowly..lol. We had more than our pregnancies and love for running in common....both our husbands worked at NI, and all 4 of us loved to travel! We were also in Bradley Classes (not the same class) and wanted to have our babies naturally, wanted to breastfeed, and wanted to get back into running soon!

This picture was at my babyshower here in Austin where Laurel and AnneMarie gave me an awesome massage certificate which I used the last week of my pregnancy.
Who would have thought that in our bellies we would have such good friends!
Though they were supposed to be 3 weeks apart, Nico came 1 week late and Miles came 1 week early, so they only ended up being 1 week apart. This was the first time they met out-side the belly. Though Nico looked a lot bigger at that point, Miles soon caught up and passed Nico!
We started going to Mommy Circles at Sarah's house...where Miles and Laurel got to meet the other mommies and babies that Nico and I knew from our Bradley Class.

We spent lots of time at Town Lake: walking at first, then getting in the pool (deep eddy), and lately running with the boys in the strollers!
We watched out little me grow from infants to little men and the weather slowly warmed up!
We also got to see them find their hands, feet and discover each other, interact, even "play" together.
Laurel and Miles:
It was so nice hanging out with you two in the past couple months...Thanks for joining us on this roller coaster ride we've been on....supportive on the not-so-good days and celebrating with us the great days and NIGHTS..hehehe. Laurel, you have been an inspiration and have helped me relax and try new things with Nico. You have also helped me tremendously on my road back to running. Knowing someone else who is going through the same struggles but continues to go out there at 5:45am...has helped me to STOP making excuses for myself.
We will be keeping up with you guys on Stelzer Family Blog . Have a great time on your Family Adventure! We will miss you!!!

Love, The Flores Family

Quotes to Live by:

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

Be kinder than necessary, everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

When you help someone up a hill, you get that much closer to the top yourself.