Saturday morning I ran in Downtown about 7miles. I had to cut my run short cause my left IT band started hurting. Since there was no need to "push through the pain" I walked the last 2 1/2 miles...which SUCKED! I had forgotten how much I hate to walk! But I soaked in Barton Springs' freezing water for a couple minutes...(It brought back memories of UF's cold tank in the training room, only difference from then and now is that I don't have a nice and ready trainer willing to flush out my legs after my runs and tell me if the pain is "run-through" kind or "wait it out/rest" kind".)
In the later morning, we drove to SOUTH AUSTIN for a Kickball tournament. At first, I didn't think it was a good idea, but as we started playing (Peter and I alternating postions- to take care of Nico) I really started enjoying it-- especially when I SCORED 2 RUNS and GOT SOMEONE OUT!!!!! This is a picture of our team-->
In the evening: Mommy and Nico went to Borders (until she was asked to leave because Nico was being disruptive... I was ready to leave anyway!!!) and heard Live Music at the DOMAIN, which was really nice and "Austin-y". In the meantime, daddy got some quiet time to hang out at his favorite burger restaurant on Lake Austin.
When he picked us up at the Domain, he brought mommy sushi and roses. He said the different colors represented the different ways he loves me....=)
Maybe in his quiet time he realized that my "MOM-'job is Mon-Sun, 24/7 unlike a "real-job" that is only M-F 9am-5pm, and that I don't get coffee breaks, sick-days, or mental health days OFF...I actually don't even get weekends off.
We got in the pool. We had the whole pool to ourselves! Then we got to see a FLASH FORWARD 5 years...we got to see some older kids playing, NOT SHARING, trying to swim, interacting with other children and parents...ahhhhh.
Daddy put up some decorations around the house...coolest one was the WORLD MAP in our living room!!
In the afternoon, we had a family date; We went to hang-out with Nico's friend, Jackson, and Mommy's friend, Julia...who ran for FSU, but we like her anyway =).
That night we looked like a scene right out of a sitcom:
We put Nico to bed and both Peter and I jumped into bed immediately each with our own--How to make your child sleep better book. I was reading: "The no-cry sleep solution" and Peter was reading "Healthy sleep habits, Happy Child". After reading a couple pages and discussing, we have realized that we need to establish a pattern/routine for Nico and FOR OURSELVES!
We have written up a schedule since then and have been trying to stick to it as much as possible. We'll see how it goes...and if our sleepy times IMPROVE!