Our visit to Dr. Eng's office this week caught me a little by surprise when the nurse told me that I had in fact lost 1 lb in the last 2 weeks, instead of gaining...She said not to worry about for now but if I continued to loose weight, then she would look further into it.
My stomach measured 31 cm, and the babies heartbeat was at a strong 130.
This appointment we came prepared. We wrote down all our questions and made sure to ask them all. Questions ranged from; "Where can I get Pre-natal vitamin re-fills?" to "How far apart should my contractions be when I come into the hospital for labor?"

We have even set up our Tour of St. David's Hospital for Monday Nov.23
Friday I didn't have to teach so I walked 4 miles on TOWN LAKE after meeting a new spanish student for an assessment. The lake was beautiful. I saw a lot of people running and walking with their dogs and strollers. I also saw a couple other pregnant women. It was funny to see the looks that some women would give me...a look that was difficult to explain. It was funny cause it seemed like their smile was either saying...ahhh, I remember that stage of my life; or I know how you feel.
On the hour and 1/2 walk I also thought about our wedding plans a lot! We have starting making wedding plans but nothing concrete yet, just THINKIN! But I'm not gonna lie, I'm getting really excited. There is so much to think about, consider, and take into account. It's the most important day of our lives but also...a VERY IMPORTANT day in a lot of other people's lives. We want it to be special, different, and MEMORABLE! The more I think about it, the more questions I have. It seems to be a recurring pattern in my life. The more that you think about anything....THE MORE YOU REALIZE HOW LITTLE YOU ACTUALLY KNOW and how many unknowns are still out there.
On that walk I also thought about our baby. I wondered about how he is going to be? If he is going to love the smell of wet grass early in the morning, if he is going to like animals, if he is going to smile when he sees us, if he will like feeling the wind in his hair when he is playing and running outside, If he is going to be a good person, if he is going to want to help people when he sees them hurt or sad, if he is going to realize how much Peter, me, and so many other people love him already...EVEN THOUGH WE HAVEN'T met him yet.
Sometimes I wish I had supersonic x-ray vision so that I could see the baby through my stomach and see what he is doing in there. It would be cool to know what is going through his mind right now too...Somethings we'll never know.
Friday afternoon I baby-sat LOLA, Travis's new 9 week old black lab. With Lola and a friend who lives at our complex, I painted all afternoon. I started the FIRST of many projects for the BABY!
Saturday morning Peter installed his new roof rack...REAL DEAL! Now there is no excuse for not taking the Bike out for a spin around town.

Later we went to the
UT vs UCF game...we got in at half time with
aren't very welcoming people, they were actually kinda mean to us! I guess they didn't like our attire. Peter's
UF shirt and my
UF hat made us stick out just a little. It was still fun. I guess we'll find out come January who actually is better!
Today, Sunday, was kind of a slow day. The weather was very conducive to watching movies all day with the tapping of rain on the windows, and the darkness that was lingering over us. We checked out a new church is our area and I even managed to give a 1 hour session to a new spanish student. Peter even made a stop at Home Depot for a new TOOL BAG!!!
I was finally able to finish the first piece of baby art going in the baby's room:
This week ABUELITOS: BEATRIZ and LUIS are coming to visit along with BIG BROTHER SNOOPY! We are all really excited for their arrival!
Next weekend is also the AUSTIN BABY SHOWER, hosted by Peter's friends from work!
AND Last but not least, Next weekend is the
WOW Big week coming up! We all better rest up!!
Hope you have a great week =)